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How many such schools are there in the country as a part of the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan or other primary schools under the various state governments where the number of teaching staff is less than the grades/divisions/classes in those schools. For example, a school with grades from 1 to 5 must have at least 5 teachers as an ideal irrespective of the teacher to student ratio as prescribed by the ministry. Also mention the number of classrooms in all such schools. In the end, please clarify what provisions and methodology have been adopted by the government and the teachers to impart quality education in such an airtight container where a single teacher teaches students from different grades at the same time in a single classroom. Will the National Education Policy handle this deficit in the number of teachers. How does the government aim to achieve educated citizens if the most basic level of education is being imparted in such a jam-packed way. Please include the data for the maximum number of states possible. Does the government have any methodology to assess the quality of primary education being implemented in the country.