S No SE: 
Requestreg No SE: 
Request Recvd Date SE: 
Request SE: 
1- How to many proposal(ONLINE/OFFLINE)of Seminar/Workshop/Conference/National Awards passed from your HRD ministry Govt.of India. 2-Provide all Seminar/Workshop/Conference/National Awards proposal(ONLINE/OFFLINE) copy. 3-Provide any proposal (ONLINE/OFFLINE) hard copy who passed filling by any NGO who passed by your department. 4-How much proposal (ONLINE/OFFLINE) of DIGITAL LITERACY passed from your HRD ministry Govt.of India. provide any passed proposal hard copy who passed by your ministry. 5-How Many proposal Adult Education and Skill Development who fill by NGO accepted by your department. provided me one-one proposal copy who accepted by your Department.
Request Reply SE: 
In so far as NAT Section is concerned a total number of 5200 applicants had submitted online self-nominations from all States,UTs,Organization for the year 2019. Out of which 154 teachers were called for presentation before Independent Jury at National Level on 13th, 16th and 17th August 2019. Finally 46 teachers were selected by Independent Jury at National Level who were conferred National Award to Teachers on 05.09.2019 by the Honorable President of India.