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Request SE:
My wife Reena Kumari applied for the post of Guest teacher (PGT Home Science) for the academic year 2017-18 in the OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION\nDISTT. WEST - A NEW MOTi NAGAR, NEW DELHI-15. I would like to get the information regarding the total number of vacancies in the West-A Distt. for the post of PGT (Home science) as well as the category wise distribution of the total vacancies for the concerned post and also the number of candidates selected in respect to the vacancies.
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Appeal SE:
As per your letter in which you mentioned that i have not provided my id/application number. I am providing you with the id number now-:\napplication Number : 2017020929\nName : Reena Kumari\n\ni also asked for the information regarding the category wise segregation of the vacancies, for which no information has been provided , so please provide me with these details.\nAs well as provide me with the proper information , why reena Kumari has not been selected or on what basis she has been disqualified.
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