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Request SE: 
The result of drawing teacher (guest teacher) which is uploaded by \nGovt. Of national capital territory of delhi\nOffice of deputy director of education, District - West B, \nDirectorate of Education, G - block, Vikaspuri, New Delhi - 110018 \n\nOn 25th of January 2018.\nI found that incorrect from my point of view. Because the people that are selected have high percentage than the percentage that are shown in first list i. e uploaded on 03.10.2017 and and second list on 04.01.2018. On their website edudel. nic. In\nAnd most important the last person \nS. No 23 application id - 2017115870 name manjeet is neither selected in 1st list and in 2nd list so how come he is selected.\nThe selection process is also different, it look like they have not selected the right person and their is some problem in it too.\n\nSecond thing if 1st list has 81 people and u have to take only 23 people then what is the need of 2nd list if u can select the 23 people from 1st list only. \n\nSo i want to know how the selection process works and how they select candidates.\nI also applied for this job sno 20 name JYOTI, Application id. 2017011799 obc\nI was in 1st list date 03.10.2017
Request Reply SE: 
The subject matter of the information sought are in the domain of Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the application is transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicant.
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