Requestreg No: 
Request Category: 
[at]what all are mandatory favorable facilities for the Differently abled persons imposed by the Department of Education and by UGC on all universities &education institutions in India\n[at]the expenses made for welfare of per average differently able persons\n[at]What all efforts made by the Department of Higher Education to help the differently able persons\n[at]What efforts are made by University Grants Commission to help the disable persons\n[at]list of all universities/colleges which are disable friendly with all the facilities favourable for differently able persons[dot]\n[at]list of all universities/colleges which are not disable friendly and dont have all the facilities favourable for disable persons[dot]\n[at]Status of the reports which UGC have asked all the univerties to submit with in 15 days of order my ministry of education, send the details of report which the Universities have send and the names of all the universities which have not send report[dot] \n[at]If any Universities have already taken steps to become disable friendly, how far they are strictly and properly implementing\n[at]What efforts are made by University Grants Commission to help the differently abled persons and How much budget has been sanctioned for the welfare of differently able persons\n[at] What all Scholarships does the Department provide for the Under Graduate and Post graduate Students of both the Government and Private Universities(separate list of both the able and differently able students of the Private and Government Scholarships for UG and PG)\n[at]Total amount of budget sanctioned to the Department of Higher Education and details of amount which has been already spent (send all the balance sheets from the financial years from 2008 to 2018)\n[at]Total amount spent from the HRD ministers fund and details of where and on whom the amount was spent (attach all the necessary receipts and balance sheets) \n[at] the major outcomes of the All India Survey on Higher Education 17-18\n[at]Total Expenses on the transportation of HRD Minister (Expenses of all the Road, Rail, Airways and water ways all to be send separately)\n[at]Total Expenses made by the HRD ministry &UGC on the development and well being of differently abled persons per year 2008-18 \n[at]List of all the Places where the present HRD minister has gone (list of all places on duty or off duty) with the comparison of previous government HRD minister[dot]\n[at]List of all the universities in India and their number of able students and number of differently able students(separate details of no of male, female & transgender &their ratio)\n[at]Overall India ratio of Differently able students with the comparison of Able students in whole of India\n[at]Total amount spent by the Department of Higher Education on Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan and number of beneficiaries Institutions under this programme (with amount spent by per Institution)\n[at]Total amount spent by the Department of Higher Education on National Initiative for Design Innovation &number of beneficiarie
Request Recvd Date: 
Request Reply: 
So far as Integrated Finance Division of Department of Higher Education is concerned, available information with respect to the funds allocated and the amount spent in the Department during the financial year 2008-09 to 2018-19: \n\n Year Budget Est. Revised Est. Actual\n2008-09 10852.87 11340.00 11212.20\n2009-10 15429.00 14389.00 13963.33\n2010-11 16690.00 18206.00 15471.79\n2011-12 21912 19844.00 19505.07\n2012-13 25275.00 212.77 20423.25\n2013-14 26750.00 25044.00 24518.50\n2014-15 27656.00 23700.00 23169.17\n2015-16 26855.26 25699.00 25542.26\n2016-17 28840.00 29703.20 29026.47\n2017-18 33329.70 34862.46 33656.51\n2018-19 35010.29 -- 11397.38\n \nExpenditure for FY 2018-19 is til 31.8.2018
Appealreg No: 
Appeal Recvd Date: 
Appeal Reply: 