Requestreg No: 
Request Category: 
Kindly provide point wise reply to each query. If these Query pertains to other departments/offices/cadres/institutions, kindly forward to the concernd departments/offices/cadres/institutions. 1) Total number of Post wise and Year wise Vacancies in all the offices/cadres/institutions under this Department in last 5 years including vacancies on contract/temporary basis. 2) Total number of Post wise and Year wise Vacancies notified in all the offices/cadres/institutions under this Department in last 5 years including vacancies on contract/temporary basis. 3) Total number of Post wise and year wise vacancies actually filled up against the notified vacancies in all the offices/cadres/institutions under this Department in last 5 years including contract/temporary posts. 4) Details of Post wise Vacancies in all the offices/cadres/institutions under this Department as of now (till date or latest data) including contract/temporary vacancies . 5) Total number of Post wise and Year wise Post (Seats) abolished in all the offices/cadres/institutions under this Department in last 5 years including contract/temporary basis vacancy. 6) Total number of Post wise sanctioned Posts (strength) in all the offices/cadres/institutions under this Department as of now including contractual/temporary posts. 7) Total number of Post wise employees working in all the offices/cadres/institutions under this Department as of now including contractual/temporary posts. . 8) Details of Post wise mode of selection/recruitment for all the posts in all the offices/cadres/institutions under this Department.
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Request Reply: 
The information is not available in compiled form.
Appealreg No: 
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