Requestreg No:
Request Category:
Dear Sir or Madam
Please furnish the information on the following with respect to set up and function of Indian Institute of Technologies by the Department of Higher Education Ministry of HRD under The Institute of Technology Act 1961 and its amendment from time to time
1 Number and Name of the IITs set up so far instructing to run on project mode and or temporary basis. Expected time duration to start running autonomously. Please provide copy of such correspondence.
2 Number and name of the IITs that have completed its project mode and running autonomously. Award of Autonomous status issued by the Department or Ministry to IITs. Please provide copy of such correspondence.
3 Number and name of the IITs whose statues have been approved by the Department or Ministry so far.
4 The instructions given by the Department or Ministry to IITs whose statues are not in force, to follow on DOPT guidelines or memos or mentor institute guidelines, rules, policies, statues in academic and non-academic matters. Please provide copy of such correspondence.
5 In case of those IITs whose statues are not in force, the instructions given to them on their administration, recruitment of non-faculty staff on regular basis, promotion of non-faculty staff. Please provide copy of such correspondence.
6 Department or Ministry administrative control over IITs. Information on Competent Authority in the Department or Ministry. Role and responsibilities assigned to such competent authority or designated person. Please provide copy of such correspondence.
7 Department or Ministry serving as a Governing Board Member of IIT. The number of Board meetings attended so far.
8 Role and responsibilities of Mentor IIT in mentoring new IITs. Please provide copy of the Correspondence or instructions issued to Mentor IIT to be carried.
9 Adoption of rules or guidelines or memo issued by the DOPT or Ministry in IITs.
10 Adoption of model recruitment rules for stenographers mentioned in DOPT Memo Number AB14017 8 2010 Estt RR, dated 10th March, 2010 and Memo Number AB 14017 8 2010 Estt RR, dated 24th January, 2011.
11 Forwarding DOPT guidelines or memos to IITs in recruitment, promotion for Non-Teaching staff.
12 any special and or additional powers assigned by the Department or Ministry to IIT Director. Please provide such copy of correspondence.
13 Tenure of Registrar in IITs. Procedure for registers appointment. Procedure for the extension of registrar appointment beyond specified. Please provide copy of such correspondence.
14 Tenure of Director in IITs. Procedure for appointment of a Director in IITs. Procedure for extension of Director appointment whose service is completed. Please provide information on such directors. Department or Ministry role in giving administrative approval to continue. Please provide copy for the same.
Thanking you
Request Recvd Date:
Request Reply:
Reply attached.
Appealreg No:
Dear Madam
I have requested for information regarding set up of Indian Institute of Technologies (IIT) by the Ministry of Human Resource Development under The Institute of Technology Act, 1961 and its amendment.
I have not received complete information.
I have not received any copy of correspondence.
Thanking you
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Appeal Reply:
Reply attached