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This is with reference to O. M. No. 6/1/98-IC.I dated 30.6.1999 Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure (Implementation Cell). In this connection kindly inform -
Meaning of replacement scale/ higher replacement scale be same for group A, B, C and D group of employees or different.
Meaning of replacement scale/ higher replacement scale be same in different department/ ministries/ institutions/ central universities/ autonomous bodies or different.
Meaning of replacement scale/ higher replacement scale be same for group A, B, C and D group of employees at different period of time i. e. in 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999 and at present or different.
Let, as per above O. M., if an incumbent was appointed in the pay scale of Rs. 4500-5700 (RPS 14300-18300) in June 1993 and given replacement scale of Rs. 18400-22400 w. e. f. 01.01.1996, the date of his seniority for next up-gradation/ promotion in the pay scale of Rs. 22400-24500, if admissible, will be counted from June 1993 or 01.01.1996.
Accordingly, let an incumbent was appointed in the pay scale of Rs. 1400-2300 in October 1993 and he was given replacement scale of Rs. 1640-2900 in August, 1994, the date of his seniority for ACPS/ MACPS/ next up-gradation/ promotion will be counted from October, 1993 or August 1994.
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