Requestreg No: 
Request Category: 
To The Honble Public Information officer, Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad, Karnataka-India. Subject:-following information . Respect ed sir, 1.Reservation status for local people in IIT Dharwad. 2.Resrvation for Article 371 (J) in IIT Dharwad Karnataka for Phd and Engineering admissions specifically Hyderabad Karnataka resrvation in IIT IN education and employment . Thank you Regarding Syed Joharalisha Heeralisha Ladwanti basvakalyan Bidar district Karnataka 585419 pin Cell :-9379029155
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Request Reply: 
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Appealreg No: 
To The honble Director Ministry of human Resource Development Department of Higher Education Shatri Bhawan New Delhi. Reference:-DOHED/R/2017/53523. subject:-Regarding IIT Dharwad Karnataka Reservation under article 371(J) Declared by govt of india for six district of Karnataka in employments and education. Central and state both institute within Karnataka only. Respacted Madam .1please provide me all the right information about reservation people of Karnataka in IIT AND IIM under article 371(J) by loksabha . 2.provide reservation status of local students seat allotted in IIT and IIM in Karnataka in percentage following A.Seat for local Karnataka students in IIT. for article 371(J) In IIT Dharwad Karnataka . Please provide seat reservation in percentage. 4.Please send one copy to IIT Dharwad Karnataka if you do not have any information. Thank you Sincerely Syed Johar Ali Shah .H Ladvanti Basvakalyan Bidar Karnataka585419. 9379029155
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Appeal Reply: 
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