Requestreg No: 
Request Category: 
Kindly supply me following informations under RTI Act, 2005: 1. IIT Mandi recently vide lefrei No. IIT Mandi/DlR/047/2015/12-130 dated 30.12.2015 borrowed one Assistant Engineer (Electrical) from HPSEBL on deputation basis w.e.f 3.5.2016 without open advertisement for deputation as per Rectt. Rules for the post. Kindly supply me copy of permission obtained from Ministry of HRD to borrow Engineer from outside without open advertisement. 2. Further IIT Mandi promoted this Officer to the post of Assistant Executive Engineer(Electrical) as per information under RTI Act received from the Institute. Kindly supply me copy of rules/guides lines under which a deputation officer can be promoted to higher post. 3. The post of AEE(E) in IIT Mandi as per RR is direct recruitment post and a deputation person has been promoted to this post. Kindly supply me copy of promotion orders. Further a Jr. Engineer has been promoted as Asstt. Engineer(Elect.) without sanctioned strength. Kindly supply me copy of this promotion also.
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Request Reply: 
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Appealreg No: 
Respected Sir, Requisite information has already been obtained from the IIT Mandi but reply submitted by them is not satisfactory. In simple words I want to know that whether person borrowed on deputation from HPSEBL in year 2016 has been borrowed as Assistant Engineer(Electrical) or Asstt. Executive Engineer(Elect.). If he has been borrowed as A.E(Elect.) then how a deputation officer has been promoted as A.E.E.(Elect.) and further J.E(Elect.) promoted to the post of A.E(Elect.) without any sanctioned post.
Appeal Recvd Date: 
Appeal Reply: 
Reply attached.