S No SE: 
Requestreg No SE: 
Request Recvd Date SE: 
Request SE: 
To, Basic Education Ministry Government of U.P.(INDIA) Sub- Regarding conduted UPTET(UPRI and UPRI-L) Exams. Sir, On behalf of all the TET(UPRI and UPRI-L), it is to inform you that the above mentioned junior TET exams have been conducted in our state for two or three years and more than 200000 candidates have sucessfully completed it. I am one of them . In our state, so for as Basic education is concerned, all the mondates are randomly being disobeyed and it seems to us that (NCTE)have permitted the government to do such irregular things. In short, our humble request to you to supply information regarding the requests made as under :- A:- Let the applicant know your intention behind conducting TET(UPRI and UPRI-L) for Art stream applicants while all the vacancies in Junior Schools are being filled either with promotion or with science stream applicants . B:- We request you to clarify the mondates that are being followed regarding SHIKSHA MITRA SAMAYOJAN and Primary Teachers promotion in three years . Where is it written in National Education Policy or in SARV SHIKSHA ABHIYAN. C:- According to National Education Policy, there is a provision to appoint junior teachers from science and art stream equally . As they deserve the same designation, the mondate of their appointments must be the same but in our state, Direct recruitment (29334) is only for Science and Maths applicants and it is not mondates accordingly. On the other hand , Language and social TETs are waiting while their vacancies are being filled by promotion only . Supply us the mondatery reasons in support of your statement or We shall take the matter to central authorities completely blamming it on you . I hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Applicant Uttam Kumar Mishra
Request Reply SE: 
please find enclosed the attachment.