Requestreg No:
To, The Central Public Information Officer Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India Sub: Application seeking Information under RTI Act, 2005. Respected Sir/Madam It is requested to provide the following information under the RTI Act, 2005. The finance minister of India in his budget for the year 2014-2015 has announced opening of several new IITs and IIMs. I want information on issues like A.) Whether the central Government has allocated the fund to the states in which these institutes are going to open. B.) On the state government part 1.) Whether the Land has been identified for this purpose 2.) Whether the Site has been identified for running these institutions on the temporary basis. C.) When classes are going to start in these institutes D.) What was the budget for the new IITs opened during UPA government in 2008 E.) How many of the IITs opened in 2008 has been shifted to their permanent campus
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