Requestreg No: 
Dear Sir/Madam, A statutory officer who is working on a tenure post may perform/exercise statutory powers in the last three months of his tenure. Please provide the copy of the relevant documents/ instruction/ directions/ rules issued by the Department of Higher Education, MHRD, Govt. of India in this regard. Regards,
Request Recvd Date: 
Request Reply: 
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances Pension and Pensioners Affairs Department of Personnel is the Nodal Department for matters relating to personnel policy in Government of India. The instructions issued by Department of Personnel and Training DOPT are applicable on various Autonomous Bodies to the extent they are adopted by these institutions. 2. You are, therefore, advised to approach concerned PIO (in case you intend to seek information from DoPT) or concerned CPIO (in case you need information relating to any any specific institution under MHRD) with complete details. The RTI Application stands disposed off accordingly at my end.