Requestreg No: 
Request you to please provide the complete detail of positions identified along with eligibility criterion and emoluments for differently able people under Chapter - VI - para 32 of People with Disability Act 1995 and differently able people hired along with their name, position and address under Chapter - VI - para 33 of People with Disability Act 1995 on permanent basis by Department of School Education and Literacy from January 1996 to December 2014 in all three categories (Blindness or low vision, Hearing Impairment and Locomotor Disability)[dot] Under para 36 of Chapter VI (People with Disability Act 1995) there is a provision of vacancies for differently able people to be carried forward as per the excerpts given below:- Quote Chapter - VI para 36[dot] Vacancies not filled up to be carried forward - Where in any recruitment year any vacancy under section 33, cannot be filled up due to non-availability of a suitable person with disability or, for any other sufficient reason, such vacancy shall be carried forward in the succeeding recruitment year and if in the succeeding recruitment year also suitable person with disability is not available, it may first be filled by interchange among the three categories and only when there is no parson with disability available for the post in that year, the employer shall fill up the vacancy by appointment of a person, other than a person with disability: Provided that if the nature of vacancies in an establishment is such that a given category of person cannot be employed, the vacancies may be interchanged among the three categories with the prior approval of the appropriate Government[dot] Unquote Request you to please provide the complete detail (complete detail means name, position and address of employees) of all the vacancies those are carried forwarded and differently able people hired and vacant positions along with eligibility criterion and emoluments detail by following the above mentioned (Chapter - VI para 36) procedure of People with Disability Act 1995 for the period of January 1996 to December 2014[dot] Please inform in case I have submit any further amount for obtaining photocopies / pendrive / CD[dot] I look forward to receiving above detail as per the RTI Act[dot] Regards, Manoj Kumar Anand 9910007717 sakasham[dot]india[at]gmail[dot]com
Request Recvd Date: 
Request Reply: 
Please find the attachment.