Requestreg No: 
1. Please provide in tabular form list of IIITs in the country, funds allocated to each IIIT during the last 10 financial years, funds released to each IIIT during last 10 financial years including 2014-15 fiscal by central government. 2. Please provide in tabular form list of IIITs in the country, whether residing in own building and campus, if staying in rented building when will they be moving to own building, funds allocated for construction of own campus or building, funds released for construction of own campus or building including 2014-15 fiscal by central government. 3. Please provide in tabular form list of IIITs in the country, vacancies in each IIIT, number of staff recruited in each of last five financial years including 2014-15 fiscal by central government. 4. Please provide in tabular form - IIITs which will start functioning from academic year 2015-16, funds allocated for each of these IIITs, funds released for each of these IIITs including 2014-15 fiscal by central government. 5. What is the budget allocation, budget released for each IIIT in the country for the last 10 financial years including 2014-15 fiscal by central government.
Request Recvd Date: 
Request Reply: 
Reply attached. Enclosures sent by post alongwith letter No.76-1/2015-TS.I dated 05.06.2015