Requestreg No: 
Following information is required from pl: (a) Total strength of Section Officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) Cadre of your Ministry/Department (including Attached Offices/Sub-ordinate Offices/Autonomous Organization/PSUs etc.) located in Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh). (b) Total vacancies against total strength with reference to (a) above. (c) Total strength of Section Officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) Cadre of your Ministry/Department (including Attached Offices/Sub-ordinate Offices/Autonomous Organization/PSUs etc.) located in Indore (Madhya Pradesh). (d) Total vacancies against total strength with reference to (c) above. (e) Total strength of Under Secretary of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) Cadre of your Ministry/Department (including Attached Offices/Sub-ordinate Offices/Autonomous Organization/PSUs etc.) located in Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh). (f) Total vacancies against total strength with reference to (e) above. (g) Total strength of Under Secretary of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) Cadre of your Ministry/Department (including Attached Offices/Sub-ordinate Offices/Autonomous Organization/PSUs etc.) located in Indore (Madhya Pradesh). (h)Total vacancies against total strength with reference to (g) above. Vacancies position may be informed as on the date of providing the information pl.
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Request Reply: 
Find the attachment with respect to your RTI.