Requestreg No: 
Sri. V.P. Srivastav, Copyright Information Officer, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, D/o Higher Education, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi Date: 04/11/15 Subject: Application under the RTI Act, 2005. Sir, The Indian Copyright Act contains within its scope a number of rights, including the Artists resale right which is enumerated in Section 53A of the Act. Under this section, certain artists or their legal heirs enjoy a resale share right in original copies of their works, provided that certain conditions are met. The questions below are enquiring about the extent to which this right has been used. I would like to request you to please provide the following information under the RTI Act, 2005 from the year 1995 2015: 1.The exact share which is payable to the artist or his legal heirs would, according to the statute, be fixed by the Copyright Board whose decision would be final. The statute also empowers to Board to fix different shares for different classes of work although it stipulates that the share may not exceed ten per cent of the resale price in any case. Is there a fixed percentage that the artist is entitled to at the time of a resale What are the considerations of the Copyright Board in determining this percentage 2.Has the Copyright Board dealt with any cases on resale royalties for artists since the amendment to Section 53A of the Copyright Act in 1994 3.Have there been any collecting societies that have been registered to further this resale right I am depositing Rupees 10/- as application fee specified by the updated website. In case the information is held by or related to another public authority, the application or such part of it as may be appropriate may be transferred to that other public authority under intimation to the undersigned as per Section 6(3) of RTI Act. I would also like to affirm that: I am a citizen of India. A copy of my driving license is attached. Thanking you, Siddarth Pogula
Request Recvd Date: 
Request Reply: 
Sir, Please find attached information with reference to your online RTI applications registration no. DOHED/R/2015/81255 dated 04/11/2015 on the above subject.