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Lavel of Study Master Degree
Subjects/Field Economy Management and Agriculture.
Duration As per rules of Slovak University.
Scholarship 02
Commencement of Academic Session As per rules of Slovak University.
Notification Department Website March/April.
Eligibility First class Bachelor Degree with minimum of 60% marks in the relevant subject.
Age Below 26 years.
Value 6000 SKK per month.
Passage Cost Both ways is borne by the candidate.
Application Procedure Application, duly sponsored by the employers (if employed) furnishing particulars (as per notified format) may be submitted on plain paper, by the prescribed date.
Contact Address Section Officer ES - 3 Section, Ministry of Education, Department of Higher Education, External Scholarship Division,
A.1/W.3, Curzon Road Barracks, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110001.
Tel. No. 23382458 Extn. 28. and 23386401.