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Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok

The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) was established in 1959 as the SEATO Graduate School of Engineering to meet the advanced technical education need of SEATO Member States. In 1967, SEATO relinquished its control and the institute was renamed Asian Institute of Technology. Soon after, it became an autonomous institute with the management being entrusted to an International Board of Trustees.

The AIT Bangkok is an autonomous international post-graduate institute providing advanced education in engineering, science and allied fields. The AIT Academic year has two terms beginning January and August. The Government of India provides support to the AIT by way of secondment of Indian Faculty for a period of 16 weeks in selected areas of specialization and reimburses Rs. 33.00 lakhs to the seconded faculty every year. In addition, the Government of India also provides funds to AIT to the tune of Rs 3 lakhs for purchase of Indian equipment, books and journals every year.

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