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Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) is a unique bi-national organization, mandated by governments of India and Canada to promote, facilitate and nurture academic linkages, collaborations & exchanges, research partnerships, and networks on bi-national corridors. With its physical presence in New Delhi, India and Calgary, Canada, and a strong base of 131 Indian and 37 Canadian member institutions, for past 53 years, SICI is the only organization in the Canada-India higher education corridor that is instrumental in building and strengthening intellectual and cultural relationship through research and dialogue. Funded by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, it supports diverse disciplines including Social Sciences, Humanities, Science & Technology, Biotechnology, Agriculture, Arts, Literature, Culture, Law, Business, Economic Reform, etc. and covers all levels of higher education from undergraduate to postdoc and from faculty to collaborative research. SICI works as an extended arm of both the governments.

The mission of the Institute is to improve the quality of life of the people of Canada and India by building and strengthening intellectual and cultural linkages through research, dialogue and exchange.

The Addenda X to the MoU was signed on 15.7.2016, according to which Government of India committed funds to the institute amounting to Rs.33.176 crores for five years from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2021.

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