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Quality ECCE and Good Nutrition: Right of Every Child
बच्चों के समग्र विकास की नींव रखना
Examination and Assessment Reforms
शिक्षा और विकास के ईस्टतम उपयोग हेतु मूल्यांकन प्रक्रिया में बदलाव
The Question Book
Curriculum and Pedagogic Reform
Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
सार्वभौमिक बुनियादी साक्षरता और संख्या ज्ञान की दिशा में पहल
Governance Standard Setting in Schools
ShikshaParv English Competency Based Education & Learning Outcomes
Towards Competency based Assessments in Schools
शिक्षार्थयों के समग्र विकास के लिए दक्षताओं का विकास
Equitable and Inclusion Learning for All
समावेशी शिक्षा के मौलिक सिद्धांत
बेहतर लर्निंग परिणामों के लिए तकनीकी नवाचार
Use of Technology in Enhancing Access Equity and Quality
Promoting Multilingualism
Learning for all
Equitable & Inclusive Education
UG of 3-4 years
Nationl Educational Technology Forum
Teacher Recruitment
Three - Language Formula
Special Education Zones
Promoting Indian Knowledge System
Education for all
Gross Enrollment Ratio
Holistic & Multidisciplinary Higher Education