Requestreg No:
Dear Sir
I, Deep Patel, son of Jigneshkumar Patel, want to state that I would request you to provide me the answer sheet and OMR sheet of application no.190410051332 Roll no. 220805932 of National Eligibility cum entrance test (UG) 2019.
Kindly provide me the detail and the information under, RTI act 2005.
As per section 6(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, the requested information is held by another public authority, I request the PIO to transfer the application or part of it within FIVE days and immediately inform me about such transfer.
As per section 7(8)(iii) and 7(3)(ii) of the RTI Act 2005, I request the PIO to
Inform me of the particulars of First Appellate Authority
Request Recvd Date:
Request Reply:
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