Requestreg No:
I am doing PhD at IIT Madras with a project sponsored by the Ministry of Steel. The project details are given below.
Despite having official notification released by the government of India regarding fellowship hike for all the research personnel engaged in R
D programs of all the government departments/agencies, why I am being refused for getting the fellowship hike by Ministry of Steel for this particular project.
Ministry of steel has not raised the fellowship amount as per the revised rates.
Project details - Imprint Project
Proposal Number: 6777
Domain: Advanced Materials
Theme(s): Material processing technologies
Supporting Central Government Agency: Ministry of Steel
Budget (Rs. Lakhs): 396.00
Principal Investigator: Kallol Mondal
Principal Investigator Institute: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
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Appealreg No:
Imprint is an mhrd initiative and comes under the jurisdiction of MHRD. Transfering request to other authorities like IIT Madras or IIT kanpur wont help. When gov. of india has announced fellowship hike for all the research personal engaged in jrf or srf, imprint1 has not raised the fellowship amount for people working in imprint projects. I want to know why imprint project fellows have been denied for fellowship hike.
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