S No SE: 
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Request SE: 
Application form for seeking information under RTI Act 2005\nTo\nThe Central Public Information Officer\nDirectorate of Education\nGovt[dot] of NCT Delhi Old Secretariat \nNew Delhi 110054\n\nApplicant Name Mahesh Kumar\nApplicant Address H No 83 Sawan Park Extn Ashok Vihar Delhi 110052\nApplicant Mail ID Kumarmahesh_02[at]rediffmail[dot]com\n\nApplicant mobile no[dot] 9871193127\nInformation Sought\nI would like to know the following things\n\nPlease let me know about the current status of Assistant Teachers promotion list\nPlease let me know if list is not completed then how much time will take\nPlease provide the First Appellate Authority under RTI Act 2005 with detailed postal and email address etc[dot] application[dot]\nI do hereby declare that I am a citizen of India[dot] I request to ensure that the information is provided before the expiry of the 30 days period after you have received the application[dot]\n\nName Mahesh Kumar
Request Reply SE: 
As mentioned in the guidelines for use of this portal, this facility is not available for filing RTI applications for the public authorities under the State Governments, including the Government of NCT of Delhi. Since your RTI application is meant for a public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi, the same is returned herewith. You may file the same before the concerned public authority under the Government of NCT of Delhi on https://rtionline.delhi.gov.in/
Appealreg No SE: 
Appeal SE: 
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Appeal Reply SE: 