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APPLICATION UNDER SECTION 6(1) OF THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2005\nTo,\nTHE PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER,\nDIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION,\nGOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI\nOLD SECRETARIAT, DELHI- 110054\n\n1[dot] NAME OF THE APPLICANT: - NITIN GROVER\n2[dot] FATHER NAME: - SH[dot] KAPOOR CHAND GROVER\n3[dot] ADDRESS: - AG-193, First Floor, SHALIMAR BAGH, DELHI-110088\n4[dot] EMAIL ID: - nitingroverca[at]gmail[dot]com\n5[dot] Mobile No: - 9811867330\n\n6[dot] INFORMATION REQUIRED WHETHER PRIVATE OR GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS IN DELHI (BOTH PRE-SCHOOL and SENIOR SCHOOL) ARE MANDATORILY OR OTHERWISE, REQUIRED OR AUTHORISED TO COLLECT THE DONATION/CHARITY (IN CASH OR THROUGH ANY OTHER MODE) EITHER FROM THE PARENTS OR FROM THE TEACHERS WORKING IN THEIR SCHOOL\n\nDescription of the information required: \n\nKindly provide Stamped, Signed and Certified True Copies or Attested Copies or Authenticated Copies of information provided on this RTI application[dot] \n\na) Kindly provide me Whether private or government schools in Delhi (both pre-school and senior school) are required or authorised to collect mandatory donation/charity in cash from the teachers working in the school[dot] Also, inform about any such guidelines (if any) which school has to follow on this aspect[dot]\n\nb) Kindly provide me the information, whether private or Government schools in Delhi (both pre-school and senior school) are required or authorised to collect the donation (in cash or through any other mode) from the parents of the children studying in their school[dot]\n \nc) If there is any such requirement as above then, kindly provide the certified copies of the circular/notification issued in this respect by the appropriate authority[dot]\n\n\n7[dot] Whether the applicant is below poverty line: No\n\n8[dot] Declaration: I hereby declare that I am citizen of India[dot] Further, I request you to provide me the desired information within the time prescribed as per the RTI Act, 2005[dot]\nI also, undertake to pay the additional fee as well as the cost of copying charges, if required[dot]\nI state that the information sought does not fall within the restrictions contained in the Act and to the best of my knowledge it pertains to your office
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