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Request provide the following information under RTI Act, 2005: - 1. Reservation of Ex-servicemen in Bihar State in various posts under Class C & D. 2. Guidelines or directives issued by Dept. / ministry of Govt. of India asking the state of Bihar to provide Ex-servicemen reservation in such posts. 3. If the state had communicated in response to that communication, provide that communication. 4. Any timelines or compliance response is being sought by the state of Bihar regarding providing reservation to Ex-servicemen in group C and D posts. 5. Provide the communication or policy letters copies of Haryana, Punjab & Himachal Pradesh states regarding Ex-servicemen reservation in Group A, Group B & Group C posts along with percentages. 6. Provide the guidelines pertaining the filling up of posts of Ex-servicemen if remain vacant. And also state the priority of order such as wards of those killed in action, widows or dependents by the states or UT of Haryana, Chandigarh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh. 7. Provide the communication details of such states or UTs which are still conducting interviews for group B, C & D posts. Also, provide their communication or response copies stating reasons for not to do so. 8. Provide the details of Ex-servicemen who had been rehabilitated or got jobs with various departments in Govt. of India Depts. 9. Also, Provide the details of Ex-servicemen who had been rehabilitated or got jobs with various departments in the state of Bihar. 10. If data pertaining to queries no. 8 & 9 above maintained by any department, state the name of that department along with communication address of that department. If not, are you planning to do so in near future. 11. Provide the details of various organisation or unions working for the welfare of Ex-servicemen, if any whether it is govt. recognised or not. 12. Provide the details regarding reservation in Education institutional for higher studies like NEET, IIT, Medical entrances of other state run institutions for the wards of Ex-servicemen. 13. Details pertaining reimbursement of Children Education allowances for Ex-servicemen whether its PBORs and JCOs. Provide the necessary policies regarding reimbursement of CEAs. 14. Provide the communication or policies for transfer request nearby his/her home town of Ex-servicemen if employed post retirement in Central Govt. Dept. 15. Provide the list of empaneled list of ECHS hospitals in the state of Bihar. 16. In CGL 2017, Chennai region has provided 5% reservation for Income Tax Inspector (Group C) post which is in contradiction of order of DoPT. Instead of providing 10 % reservation for Group C post i.e. Income Tax Inspector in Chennai region the reservation decreased to 5%. State the official order under which it is going to be implemented. Also, state the name of the signing authority along with the correspondence address.
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