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A.\n\nwhy are IIT madras selecting /acquiring professional societies examination qualification certificate section A of institution of engineers India without any prior date under column of Year of Qualification not later than with NA in Eligibility Criteria for GATE 2019 and also supporting institution of engineers India since now whereas MHRD has denied many professional society to provide engineering graduate certificate since 31.05.2013\n- It is hereby informed that the Institution of Engineers (India), Gokhle Road, Kolkata is not approved by Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). The Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) had recognized certain courses conducted by the Institution of Engineers (India), Gokhle Road, Kolkata for the purpose of employment in Central Government jobs. However, the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) had withdrawn the granting of further recognition and equivalence of the courses conducted by the Institutions of Engineers (India), Gokhle Road, Kolkata beyond 31st May, 2013 as per Office Memorandum No. 11-15/2011-AR (TS.II) dated 06.12.2012.\n\n\n\nB.\n\nAre IITs are much responsible to development of the institution of engineers India because this institution is explaining its achievement in every year regards GATE eligibility .\n\n\n\nC.\n\nWho will be responsible for the future of those students who have obtained certificate from the institution of engineers India or doing after Looking at the demand for the institution of engineers India certificate in GATE eligibility\n\n\n\nD.\n\nmay IITs add NVEQF/NSQF levels pattern in GATE eligibility because \nMHRD /MSDE introduced NVEQF/NSQF pattern to develop technology scenario as worldwide level and also invited all professional societies to follow NVEQF/NSQF pattern under preview of respective regulatories.
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