Requestreg No:
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Sir, \nI want Details of All india early childhood care and education, regd. by govt. of nct of delhi, regd. no. - S-43128 and \n Cr Regd. by Ministry of HRD govt. of India (dept. of secondary and higher education cr regd. no. - L-25438/2005). \nAs i did N. T. T(nursery teacher training)(E. C. C. E) course of 2 years they said they are recognized by govt. of NCT of delhi and Ministry of HRD Govt. of India, so, i want confirmation of it.. that this institute is recognized by both or not. please reply soon. its something emergency and urgent. its all about of my job sir.. please
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Appealreg No:
Sir, \nEarly i said that i want the Details of the institute is registered with nct of delhi and ministry of hrd both but you forwaded my rti to nct of delhi only.. its okay they will provide me the information of Institute registered with nct or not but sir what about institute is registered with mhrd or not.. sir i want to know that the institute named All india early childhood care and education, \nCr Regd. by Ministry of HRD govt. of India (dept. of secondary and higher education cr regd. no. - L-25438/2005). \nAs i did N. T. T(nursery teacher training)(E. C. C. E) course of 2 years they said they are recognized by Ministry of HRD Govt. of India, so, i want confirmation of it.. that this institute is recognized by mhrd or not. please reply soon. its something emergency and urgent. its all about of my job sir.. please
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