S No SE: 
Requestreg No SE: 
Request Category SE: 
Request Recvd Date SE: 
Request SE: 
Give copy of all letter, which have been despatched from Dept. of School Education & Literaacy(DOSEL), MHRD, New Delhi to the state Odisha since 10/10/2017 to 30/12/2017.
Request Reply SE: 
Please refer to your online RTI applications registration no. DOSEL/R/2017/52498/2 dated 29.12.2017 & registration no. DOSEL/R/2018/50001/2 dated 29.12.2017, received in this section on 02.01.2018. In this regards, it is to inform you that the information sought by you is not specific. Please provide number and date of the letters/document you desired. If you are not satisfied with the above information, you may file an appeal to the 1st Appellate Authority whose details are given below:- Shri Juglal Singh Deputy Secretary (NLM-III) Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education & Literacy Room No. 423 C, Shastri Bhawan New Delhi.
Appealreg No SE: 
Appeal SE: 
CPIO,MHRD has not given data by saying that the information required by me is not specific.I want to say there has been a lot of letter despatch from DSEL,MHRD to ODISHA GOVT.I sought that all the copy of letter which has been despatch from DSEL,MHRD to ODISHA GOVT. So I request you to give me the data which have been wanted by wanted by me.
Appeal Recvd Date SE: 
Appeal Reply SE: 
Whereas I have gone through the first appeal registration No. DOSEL/A/2O18/60015 dated l8/01/2018 submitted by Shri Kamalakanta Malik At-Judamba,P.O.-Angula,VIA-Soro,District-Balasore, stating that he has not been furnished the requisite information by the CPIO, as asked for by him vide his RTI application registration No. DOSEL/R/2O18/50001/2 dated 29/12/2017, under RTI Act, 2005. 2. Whereas, I find that an application dated 29/12/2017 was submitted by the appellant asking for information about the copies of all letters which have dispatched from Department of School Education & Literacy, MHRD, Govt. of lndia, New Delhi to State Government of Odisha since 10/10/2017 to 30/12/2017. He was asked by CPIO vide his letter dated 16.01.2018 to mention specifically the requisite information asked for by him. However, I direct the CPIO to furnish the information about letters written from lOth October, 2017 to 30th December, 2017 by this Department to the Govt. of Odisha.