Requestreg No: 
Request Category: 
I would like to get information pertaining to the following questions with respect to the IIM, IIT colleges under the ministry - (1) How many IIM, IIT colleges under the ministry have Quotas for the Transgender Students. If there are any, how many seats are reserved for them in those colleges. (2) Are the quotas reserved for them always filled or are there instances of the seats reserved for them not been filled due to lack of application from the transgender students. If so, how many such instances have been recorded in those colleges in the past one year i.e. 2016. (3) What is the drop out rate of among the transgender students admitted in those colleges (4) Have there been instances of assault and harassment reported against the Transgender students by the fellow students and faculties in those colleges, If so, what all actions have been taken against the accused in such cases in the past two years i.e. 2015 and 2016. (5) Are there any policies in place to protect the interests of the Transgender Students in the those colleges, If there, please specify what they are ( at least 4 of them ). Thank You
Request Recvd Date: 
Request Reply: 
Reply attached.
Appealreg No: 
The information pertaining to Para 3, 4 and 5 is simply denied on the pretext that it is available in other separate departments, however, the particulars of such department has not been enclosed in the reply. In such a situation, it is difficult to find the appropriate department or the public authority where such information would be available as the information is not available in the department where I applied. Therefore, this appeal is to request to provide the information and the particulars of the departments as mentioned above. Thank You.
Appeal Recvd Date: 
Appeal Reply: 
Reply attached.