Requestreg No:
Request Category:
1. Please furnish the file notings from page 1 to end that formed the basis for the issuance of the instructions to all Central Universities on the functioning of Acting Vice Chancellors on the basis of CCS ( CCA) Rules 1965 through letter No.F.19.58/2014 Desk CU dated 07.08.2016 fair copy signed by the then Joint Secretary Central Universities Shri.R.P.Sisodia IAS. The circular is uploaded as page 1 of the uploaded supportive document for ready reference
2. Please furnish the file notings from page 1 to end that formed the basis for the Deputy Secretary Shri,Pramod Kumar Saha to clarify further the instruction issued by the Joint Secretary Shri.O.P.Sisodia
a. Please furnish the copy of the not file from beginning to end together with correspondence file that formed the basis of the issuance of the clarification dated 09.10.2014 that is uploaded as page 2 of the supportive document
3. If available furnish the date of repatriation of Shri.R.P.Sisodia IAS from MHRD to his parent cadre from MHRD during October 2014
4. Please furnish the instructions issued to Vice Chancellor of Central Universities that prior to three months to their retirement no executive function including policy decision to be taken issued if available
5. Furnish the copy of the instructions issued to Vice Chancellors of Central Universities that emergency provisions contained in the Act Statute of the University should not be invoked unnecessarily
Request Recvd Date:
Request Reply:
The Establishment Division of this Ministry is concerned with point no. 3 only. With reference to the information sought vide point no. 3, it is informed that Shri R. P. Sisodia was relived form this ministry with effect from the forenoon of 13.10.2014.
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