Requestreg No: 
Request Category: 
1. Are All Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) under Ministry of HRD are governed by CCS (Central Civil Service) rules as issued by DoP&T (Department of Personnel & Training). 2. As per Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms OM No. 28021/1/84-Estt(C) Dated- 14/11/1984 is bond transfer rule applicable to IITs i.e. from Central Govt. Organization to Another Central Govt. Institute. (as a copy has been endorsed to IITs also). 3. Am I rightful person, As per mentioned O.M. Dated 14/11/1984 to get my bond transferred from O/o Comptroller & Auditor General of India to Indian Institute of Technology, Ministry of HRD as I have applied through proper channel as per DoP&T guidelines. 4. Please inform whether there is any specific provisions/laid down policy/guidelines or any statutory law exists, if any, in respect of the Ministry of HRD which supersedes the existing DoP&T guidelines circulated vide Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms OM No. 28021/1/84-Estt(C) Dated- 14/11/1984. with a copy endorsed to All Ministries/IITs. If yes, a copy of the same may please be provided.
Request Recvd Date: 
Request Reply: 
Reply attached.
Appealreg No: 
I am presently working as Accountant in O/o Comptroller and Auditor General of India and wish to join IIT as an employee. I am not satisfied by the earlier reply. My queries are mentioned underneath 1. Am I rightful person , As per Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms OM No. 28021/1/84-Estt (C) Dated-14/11/1984 to get my bond transferred from O/o Comptroller & Auditor General of India to Indian Institute of Technology, Ministry of HRD as I have applied through proper channel as per DoPT guidelines. (YES/NO) 2. As per Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms OM No. 28021/1/84-Estt(C) Dated- 14/11/1984 are IITs bound to accept the bond for remaining period (transferred from Central govt. department) as a copy has been endorsed to IITs also (pls. see no. 48,49,50,51). (YES/NO) 3. Are IITs bound to abide by the orders issued by DoPT (Government of India) from time to time especially when a copy is forwarded to IITs also. (YES/NO)
Appeal Recvd Date: 
Appeal Reply: 
Reply attached.