Requestreg No: 
Request Category: 
Please provide the following information under the Right to Information Act, 2005:\n\n1. The Ministry of Human Resource Development has established a number of autonomous bodies working under its control. Please give details of autonomy which can be exercised by such autonomous bodies like in recruitments, purchases etc.\n\n2. Whether these autonomous bodies have the right to appoint a candidate who doesnt meet the eligibility criterion given in the Recruitment Rules of that body, by giving him special relaxations.\n\n3. Whether the Ministry ever checks or verify the recruitments rules framed by these autonomous bodies or the Ministry has issued specific guidelines to these bodies for framing these rules Copy of such guidelines may be provided, if any.\n\n4. The provisions for penalising such persons who are found to be involved in recruitment of such person who doesnt fulfil the eligibility criterion as per the Recruitment Rules, if any. \n\n5. Name of rules, provisions, acts which covers these penalty provisions. \n\n6. Whether these autonomous bodies have been directed to constitute an internal grievances committee and providing a link on their websites. Number of autonomous bodies in Delhi which have implemented this and also the number of autonomous bodies which have not implemented this. \n\n7. Whether action can be taken against those candidates who were recruited in a wrong and unlawful manner, after its probation has been cleared.
Request Recvd Date: 
Request Reply: 
forwarded to concerned CPIO-IIITs. Hence, disposed off.
Appealreg No: 
Appeal Recvd Date: 
Appeal Reply: 