Requestreg No:
Request Category:
The RTI request is directed to Public Information Officer, IIM Bangalore[dot]\n\n1[dot] What is the criteria for shortlisting of general category candidates for Interview in PGP 2016-18 admissions [dot]\n\n2[dot] What is the minimum cut off in the cumulative score for the shortlisting of candidates for Interview in PGP 2016-18 admissions for general category candidates[dot]\n\n3[dot] What was the cumulative score as well as individual scores in various components so considered under the selection criteria for the interview in PGP 2016-18 admissions for the following candidate[dot]\n\nName: Venkatesh Chaturvedi\nApplication Number: 5062796\nEmail: venkatesh[dot]chaturvedi123[at]gmail[dot]com\nDate of Birth : 23/09/1993
Request Recvd Date:
Request Reply:
RTI replied vide letter No.16-7/2016(RTI-25)-TS.V dated 03.02.2016. The info sought pertains to IIM Bangalore which is a separate independent public authority. Therefore, the application has been sent to CPIO, IIM Bangalore for taking final action at their end.
Appealreg No:
The RTI application filed on 17th January 2016 received a reply from Department of Higher Education stating that the RTI application pertains to IIM Bangalore and the application was forwarded to PIO of IIM Bangalore on 3rd February 2016. \n\nNo reply from IIM Bangalore has been received till date (20th February 2016). I request the application be addressed to as soon as possible.
Appeal Recvd Date:
Appeal Doc URL:
Appeal Reply:
Reply is attached vide letter no. 16/31/2016-TS.V dated 16/06/2016.