Requestreg No: 
This RTI is W.R.T IIT Patna In tender of custom clearance and Freight Forwarding 1 Plz provide reason for rejecting the bid of M/s Cwick (Import Consolidations) Pvt. Ltd. 2 Plz provide all copies of letter and annexure received as complaint against M/s Cwick (Import Consolidations) Pvt. Ltd 3 Plz provide the copy of letter/Mail written to Cwick Import for seeking reply and representation in the above regard. 4 Plz provide the copy of letter written to IARI, New Delhi for seeking confirmation on the complaint and asking them about the Blacklisting 5 Plz provide copy of reply received from IARI, New Delhi. 6 Plz provide the action taken on representation received from Cwick (Import Consolidations) Pvt. Ltd on rejection of their bid. 7. Plz provide the reason for not telling Cwick (Import Consolidations) Pvt. Ltd well in advance about rejection of their bid. 8. Plz provide the reason for not opening the Price bid of Cwick (Import Consolidations) Pvt. Ltd at the time it was informed that blacklisting of M/s Cwick was removed by Hble High Court of Delhi on 25/11/2014 well in advance of the date of submission of tender 5/12/2014 to Mr. Chandan in IIT, Patna.
Request Recvd Date: 
Request Reply: 
Reply attached.