Requestreg No:
Latest and point-wise detailed information is required to the following questions: 1. Has the Ministry received any application/proposal from the IIT-Delhi or the Government of Haryana in regard to setting up the extensions of IIT-Delhi in Sonepat and Jhajhar 2. If yes, give the details in this regard and actions taken on these applications/proposals along with the reason(s) for doing so 3. What is the present status on each of the said applications/proposals received by the Ministry 4. Provide a copy of each of the said applications/proposals received by the Ministry 5. Provide copies of every official correspondence taken among the HRD Ministry, IIT-Delhi and the government of Haryana in this regard 6. Is the Ministry considering setting up the extensions of IIT-Delhi in Sonepat and Jhajhar and if yes, furnish the details in this regard, especially the salient features of the said extensions, estimated investments involved, sources of these investments, official deadlines fixed for the completion of these projects and progress made on the projects till date
Request Recvd Date:
Request Reply:
Reply attached.
Appealreg No:
Kindly respond to the following points: 1. The PIO concerned provided me misleading information. In its reply the PIO had informed that the matter of establishment of extension centre of IIT Delhi in Haryana is available on the website of the IIT Secretariat Council at URL: However, the required information is not available on the mentioned website. 2. Further I request you to instruct the PIO to supply either complete hyperlink of the page where the required information is available or provide the necessary navigation assistance from the homepage of a website.
Appeal Recvd Date: