Timelines formulation of NEP

S. No. Milestone Date of occurrence Comments
1 An online competition was held through the MyGov platform for suggesting the Logo, Slogan and Tagline for the NEP from 09.01.2015 to 20.01.2015 More than 3000 entries were received, out of which 3 entries were selected by a Screening Committee. Based on the selected entries, winners were announced in each category with an award money of Rs. 10,000/-. The following are the names of the winners for each category:
  • Shri Nawaj Shaikh, Pune, Maharashtra for the Logo
  • Shri Vinod Kumar Maheshwari, Rewari, Haryana for the Slogan
  • Ms. Vipitha Devi, Paravur, Kerala for the Tagline
2 Process of online consultation on NEP Launched on 26.01.2015 Ended on 31st Oct.2015 Suggestions on 33 themes (13 themes on School Education and 20 themes on Higher Education) at www.MyGov.in (link is external). 29,218 suggestions received.
3 Letter to Education Ministers of States/UTs from HRM Letter dated 27.01.2015 The letter sought active participation in the policy formulation exercise of NEP.
4 High Level meeting taken by Hon’ble HRM with other GOI Ministries and Departments Held on 14.02.2015 at Vigyan Bhawan To discuss the consultative process for formulation of NEP and invite suggestions of other Ministries and Departments to devise curriculum from their perspective.
5 A multi stakeholder Task Force at the national level set up [New Education Policy Task Force (NEPTF)] Constituted on 27.02.2015 The Task Force will monitor the progress of the consultation process from time to time and will submit the report through Secretary (SE&L) and Secretary (HE) to Hon’ble Minister.
6 Letter from HRM to State Education Ministers Letter dated 09.03.2015 Letter requested the State Education Ministers to attend the meeting on 21.03.2015.
7 Letter from Secretary (HE) and (SEL) to State Education Secretaries Letter dated 12.03.2015 Letter requesting State Secretaries to attend the meeting on 21.03.2015.
8 Letter from JS(P) to Director General, NIC Letter dated 16.03.2015 Letter requested the DG, NIC to request State SIOs of NIC of all States/UTs to attend the meeting on 21.03.2015.
9 Hon’ble Minister for HRD held a meeting with State/UT Education Ministers Held on 21.03.2015 at Vigyan Bhawan Meeting was attended by 22 State/UT Education Ministers along with Education Secretaries and other senior officers including State Information Officers (SIOs).
10 Airing of video spot on NEP March, 2015 Airing of video spot on NEP done on major TV channels all over the country.
11 Letter to Director/DS level officers of MHRD for coordination on NEP March, 2015 & modified in May 2015 All Director/DS level officers were requested to coordinate with the State/UT Governments indicated against their names during consultation process of NEP.
12 Consultative Committee Meeting on NEP 6th April,2015 ---
13 Preparation of manual for grassroots consultation April,2015 Circulated to all State/ UT governments and Dir/DS level Nodal officers
14 Letter to State School Education and Higher Education Secretaries Letter dated 25.04.2015 Letter for commencement of grass root level consultation process in States/UTs by identification of State Nodal Officers.
15 Youth Survey on NEP by MGIEP, UNESCO Category I Institute Commenced from May 2015 Conducted three focus groups in Delhi. Now doing groups in Coimbatore, Pollachi (in rural Tamilnadu), Bangalore, Kolkata, Shillong, Mumbai, Pune, and Kashmir. speaking with students from a variety of backgrounds, courses, and institutions. Some of the interesting groups include students with learning disabilities, migrant students from the NorthEast, and evening college students. Reached 5000 responses on the survey.
16 Translation of question templates grassroots consultation May- June, 2015. Both SE & HE Question templates translated with the help NCERT in 12 languages- Assamese, Bengali, Gujarathi, Marathi, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. Circulated to States and uploaded on NEP corner, MHRD
17 Letter from JS(P) to Bureau Heads Letter dated 12.05.2015 Reminder Letter from JS(P) to Bureau Heads requesting identification of experts for thematic discussions on NEP.
18 E-Mail by MyGov team to State Information Officers (SIOs) and State Nodal Officers (SNOs) E-Mail sent in June, 2015 The e-mail from MyGov to SIOs and SNOs informed them the use of grass roots consultation manual/software and other related information.
19 Letter to Chief Ministers from HRM Letter dated 19.06.2015 The letter requests state administration to expedite the process of scheduling the consultation meetings of NEP.
20 Live Chats on NEP From 01.06.2015 to 25.06.2015 Live Chats have been held on MyGov on 6 themes of NEP.
21 Airing of radio spot on NEP June, 2015 Airing of radio spot on NEP done on major FM and AIR radio channels all over the country.
22 UN Solution Exchange July 2015 For sharing views from stakeholder groups on the 33 themes.
23 Letter from JS(P) was sent to Heads of various Universities, Institutions etc. Letter dated 02.07.2015 To hold thematic on the identified themes.
24 D.O. letter from HRM to all Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha MPs Letter issued in Aug. Requesting their considered views on ongoing New Education Policy.
25 Culling and consolidating online suggestions Ongoing activity since April 2015 Interns under MHRD undertook this activity.
26 Consolidating views of other GOI Ministries/depts. Ongoing activity since March 2015. Interns and consultants under MHRD have undertaken this activity.
27 Grass roots consultation from villages upwards Held between July,2015 – October,2015
  • 110623 village level, 3250 at Block, 725 ULBs, 340 Dist & 18 state level resolutions have been uploaded for SE.
  • 2738 at Block, 962 ULB, 406 Dist level and 19 state level resolutions have been uploaded for HE.
28 Six Zonal Meetings Held in Sept.-Oct 2015
  • Eastern Zone -11th September, 2015
  • Central region - 14th September, 2015
  • North East Region -18th Sept, 2015
  • Western Region-23rd October, 2015
  • Southern Region -29th October, 2015
  • Northern Region – 31st October, 2015
29 Institutional Meetings on various themes Held between July-Nov.2015 As per schedule
30 MHRD driven Thematic discussions November,2015 As per schedule
31 Committee constituted for Evolution of New Education Policy 31st Oct.2015 and revised order dated 24th Nov 2015 ---
32 Committee under Late Shri T.S.R. Subramanian submitted its report to Ministry 27 May 2016 ---
33 Ministry prepared Some Inputs for Draft National Education Policy 2016 June 2016 ---
34 Some Inputs for Draft National Education Policy 2016 were laid in both the Houses of Parliament 04.08.2016 ---
35 Report of the Committee For Evolution of New Education Policy was laid in both the Houses of Parliament 08.08.2016 ---
36 Short Duration Discussion Under Rule 176 in Rajya Sabha on National Education Policy 10.08.2016 Around 15-16 MPs presented.
37 Education Dialogue with Hon’ble MPs 10.11.2016 Around 42 MPs were presented.
38 Constitution of Committee for the Draft Education Policy under the Chairmanship of Dr K Kasturirangan 24.06.2017 ---
39 First Meeting of the Committee for the Draft Education Policy under the Chairmanship of Dr K Kasturirangan 11.07.2017 ---
40 Second Meeting of the Committee for the Draft Education Policy under the Chairmanship of Dr K Kasturirangan 16th & 17th August, 2017 ---
41 Third Meeting of the Committee for the Draft Education Policy under the Chairmanship of Dr K Kasturirangan 21st & 22nd September, 2017 ---
42 Meeting with GoI Ministries, NITI Aayog & Industry Associations and Fourth Meeting of the Committee for the Draft Education Policy under the Chairmanship of Dr K Kasturirangan 10th to 12th October 2017 ---
43 Meeting on Early Childhood Education & Teacher Education with Dr. Vinita Kaul & Shri Sanjay Awasthi, NCTE 26th October 2017 ---
44 Fifth Meeting of the Committee for the Draft Education Policy under the Chairmanship of Dr K Kasturirangan 14th & 15th November 2017 ---
45 Sixth Meeting of the Committee for the Draft Education Policy under the Chairmanship of Dr K Kasturirangan 30th November & 1st December, 2017 ---
46 Meeting with Organisations / Bodies 4th December, 2017 ---
47 Seventh Meeting of the Committee for the Draft Education Policy under the Chairmanship of Dr K Kasturirangan 22nd & 23rd December, 2017 ---
48 First Order of Extension 27th December 2017 Extension was granted upto 31st March 2018
49 Internal Review Committee Meeting & Consultation Meeting of Minority Institutions/Bodies & Associations 18th & 19th January 2018 ---
50 Eighth Meeting of the Committee for the Draft Education Policy under the Chairmanship of Dr K Kasturirangan 30th & 31st January 2018 ---
51 Tenth Meeting of the Committee for the Draft Education Policy under the Chairmanship of Dr K Kasturirangan 26th March 2018 ---
52 Second Order of Extension 6th April 2018 Extension was granted upto 30th June 2018
53 Meeting of the Committee for the Draft Education Policy 29th May 2018 ---
54 Eleventh Meeting of the Committee for the Draft Education Policy under the Chairmanship of Dr K Kasturirangan 4th June 2018 ---
55 Meeting with HRM at his house 15th June 2018 ---
56 Third Order of Extension 20th June 2018 Extension was granted upto 31st August 2018
57 Briefing Meeting of the Committee 17th August, 2018 ---
58 Fourth Order of Extension 28th August, 2018 Extension was granted upto 31st October, 2018
59 Meeting at HRM’s residence with few State Education Ministers 7th October 2018 ---
60 Informal Meeting of the Committee for the Draft Education Policy 20th October 2018 ---
61 Fifth Order of Extension 31th October, 2018 Extension was granted upto 15th December, 2018
62 Farewell Meet 12th April 2019 ---
63 Committee submitted its report to Ministry 31.05.2019 ---
64 Draft NEP 2019 uploaded on MHRD Website and also at MyGov innovate portal to elicit suggestions from stakeholders --- Suggestions sought upto 15.08.2019
65 Summary of the Draft National Education Policy 2019 was translated into 21 languages --- ---
66 Meeting with State Education Secretaries of School Department held 9th July 2019 ---
67 Education Dialogue with Hon’ble MPs 31th July 2019, 1st Aug, 2019, 2nd Aug 2019 Education Dialogue held.
29 MPs from Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, 34 MPs from Tamil Nadu & Puducherry and 37 MPs from Kerala, Karnataka & Odisha were present.
68 Meeting with State Education Secretaries of Higher & Technical Department to be held 8th Aug 2019 Meeting held and 45 representatives were present.
69 Special meeting of CABE on National Education Policy. 21th Sept 2019 26 Education Ministers of various States and UTs, representatives of States and Union Territories, Members of CABE, Heads of Autonomous Organisations, Vice Chancellors of Universities, attended the meeting along with senior officials of the Central and State Governments.
70 Two Committees, one for School Education and another for Higher Education were constituted to examine suggestions received on Draft NEP 03.10.2019 and 04.10.2019 To examine suggestions received on the Draft National Education Policy
71 Meeting of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resource Development on Draft NEP 2019. 07.11.2019 ---
72 Circulation of Draft Cabinet Note on National Education Policy 2020 for Inter-Ministerial Consultation Subsequently reminders sent for comments 24.03.2020, 09.04.2020 and 27.04.2020 Draft Cabinet note was circulated among concerned 30 Ministries/ Departments.
73 Copy of Cabinet Note along with NEP 2020 was forwarded to Principal Secretary to PMO for comment/advice 10.07.2020 According to Para 87 of Handbook on writing Cabinet Notes
74 Finalisation of National Education Policy 2020 29.07.2020 Approved by Union Cabinet on 29.07.2020