S No SE: 
Requestreg No SE: 
Request Category SE: 
Request Recvd Date SE: 
Request SE: 
Q) Please provide a copy of all communications sent by the ministry to the Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Jamia Millia Islamia in the last three years.\n\nQ) Please provide detailed information about all the vice chancellors appointed in universities across the county in the last three years.\n\nQ) Please provide documents and data on the fund allocated to research work related to cows and their care to to education institutes across the county in the last three years. Also, a documents and data the total fund allocated for research works to education institutes across the country. \n\nQ) Please provide copies of all communications between the ministry and the Banaras Hindu University and the Aligarh Muslim University.\n\nQ) Please provide data on rise and drop of in number of students enrolled in Science, Arts and Commerce streams in class XI in schools across the country.
Request Reply SE: 
Madam,\n\nPlease find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter.\n\nregards\n\nUS (IS-7)
Appealreg No SE: 
Appeal SE: 
Appeal Recvd Date SE: 
Appeal Reply SE: 