Requestreg No: 
Ref.:- Deptt. Of Education and Social welfare order no. F-18-19/75/T-2 dated 26.05.1977 (Copy Enclosed for ready reference) recognizing Diploma in Engg. Plus ten years technical experience equivalent to Degree in Engg. 11. Does UPSC allow such candidates (Diploma10 years Experience as equivalent to Degree in Engg.) to take the examinations where degree qualification is required like Engineering Services Exam., Civil Services Exam. 12). Does IITs / IIMs / State and central Universities across the nation treat such candidates (Diploma10 years Experience as equivalent to Degree in Engg.) eligible for Post-graduate courses 13). Has the above referred order lost its validity immediately after formation of All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) in May 1988 14). Can the above referred order be issued for a specific/standalone purpose 15).A circular is issued for meeting certain peculiar circumstances prevailing at that time it is not Sacrosanct and Holy Scripture (Gita, Quran or Bible) that will run perpetually. Does the ministry treat this circular is relevant in this era of Super specialization 16). The order states in concluding para (line 7-9) that This order is considered valid for the purpose of selection to gazette posts and services under Central /state government. Selection means choosing 20-30 candidates out of 100 i.e fresh recruitment whereas promotion means 100 out of 100 subject to seniority cum fitness). Hence kindly state:- a). Is it applicable on fresh recruitment only or applicable to promotions also. b). It is applicable to gazetted posts. So, shall not be applicable in PSUs as there is no gazetted post even of CMD. 17). kindly identify as to whether Director Tech. By the names of V.P. Reddy ever served in the department as director Tech. and furnish information as regards his period of tenure as director Tech. in the deptt. along -with his role and duties. 18). Kindly identify the name of the officer who attested the document Or it is attested by a fake person using stolen/missing/arranged rubber-stamp. 19). Please apprise as to whether the above referred order is fake/ fabricated by some mischievous element The order has not been signed by anybody. 20). Please give composition of Board of Assessment for Technical education along with its Mandate, powers and duties. Supply name of members of this Board in 1977. Kindly forward the copy of recommendations of Board of assessment for Educational Qualifications and Defence Director (Tech.), Govt. of India in respect of this order along with note-sheets of the file.
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