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SUBJECT - NATIONAL TESTING AGENCY (NTA)\n\nAs I have reason to believe that certain members of NTA are involved in systematic corruption, exam rigging and paper leakages to favoured candidates and coaching institutes, the following information is reqested in larger public interest to ensure accountability and transparency and to ensure that the vendors, proxies and methods used in rigging exams like SSC, AIIMS and JEE Advanced computer based exams (CBE) have been plugged.\n\n1) Because NTA seems a division of MHRD, kindly provide me the entire 17 RTI manuals vide section 4(1)(b) RTI Act 2005 immediately, by prescribed dissemination\n\n2) Kindly inform me the sources of all questions and their answers which shall be asked of candidates in the IIT JEE MAINS 2019 and NEET CBE as I am interested in knowing if CBSE / private body is setting the question or has access to the questions in advance of the exam, as was the case in the SSC CGL and AIIMS scams\n\n3) Kindly provide me the detail(s) of the private vendors, if any, involved the NTA CBE for JEE Mains and NEET 2019, and provide me true copy of all technical and commercial agreements or contracts or memorandums entered with these persons containing all annexures, schedules, secrets\n\n4) Kindly provide me a schedule of all premises where 2019 JEE Mains and NEET CBE exams will be held, including overseas, alongwith complete details of the owner, lessees or centre operators of premises\n\n5) Kindly inform if any foreign person or any entity with foreign participation is associated in the NTAs CBE exams. If so, their complete particulars with relevant details.\n\n6) Because allocation of candidates to centres played a key role in SSC CGL exam scam, I request complete information of methods of allocation for JEE Mains 2019 (January) and also a complete list of all candidates, their roll numbers, and allocated exam centres\n\n7) Because it seems to me that NTA will be a single window for corruption in entrance exams to government colleges, provide the complete documentary record whereby NTA was set up and entrusted task of conducting entrance exams with Mr. Vineet Joshi IAS in-charge.\n\n8) As I am shocked to learn that certain officers in NTA have not learned lessons from CLAT CBE scam and corruptly allowed private vendors to use obsolete second hand computer systems running discontinued OS like Windows 7 to be used for these exams, kindly inform me if computers which are older than 3 years or which run Windows XP or Windows 7 OS will be used in JEE or NEET exams.\n\n9) As I am shocked to know that PCs with Microsoft OS and browsers are specified for this exam, inform me all security measures are being taken to ensure that foreign agencies cannot rig these exams\n\n10) As I am shocked to know that jumbling of questions and answers will be used in NTA CBSE, kindy inform me if methods used to rig SSC, AIIMS, CLAT and IIT JEE Advanced by insiders have been blocked. If so the technical details thereof
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Appealreg No:
This First Appeal under RTI Act 2005 is filed on following brief grounds objecting to transfer of my subject RTI request to CPIO National Testing Agency.\n\n1) For that the transfer of my request u/s section 6(3) of RTI Act is wrong and false since the National Testing Agency is am integral part of the Department of Higher Education under Ministry of Human Resources and Development as evidenced by the RoC Registration Certificate under Society Registration Act 1860 dt. 15.05.2018 bearing no. S/ND/914/2018 with registered address located at Department of Higher Education, MHRD, West Block-1, Wing No. 6, 2nd floor, R.K.Puran, New Delhi 110066, and furthermore all the members of the Governing Body of the NTA are officers of or under the MHRD.\n\n2) For that I have reason to believe that corrupt forces within the present Govt of India have deliberately set up the NTA as a private society under the Society Regisration Act to carry out massive computer based rigging and cheating, alongwith some foreign controlled entities, of entrance exams to prestigious govt colleges and universities in engineering and medicine etc. I refer to the Note in the aforesaid RoC deed as follows - Note: The Society shall not be entitled to use its translated/abbrievated/acronym name and shall use the original name only, it shall show with the name of the caption that it is governed by private body/society and not by government and name of the society shall not be used for any commercial purpose or trade or business or profession, certification, affiilation/recognition to other organisation etc.\n\n3) For that the CPIO, Shri Kundan Nath, is doubtless well aware that NTA has not designated any CPIO or taken the other steps to comply with its RTI Act obligations, and is therefore not a separate public authority to which my request can be transferred. For this reason the CPIO Mr. Kundan Nath is unable to transfer the request electronically to NTA using the DoPT RTI Online portal in a manner so that I can track the alleged transfer and file my appeals to it electronically thereafter.\n\n4) Accordingly, I say that the NTA is very much an integral part of the Deprtment of Higher Education and each and every information sought by me is available with the Department, and thus the transfer of my RTI request under sub-section 6(3) of RTI Act 2005 is wrong, false and malafide. The dealing CPIO ought to have instead availed sub-section 5(4) of RTI Act and taken assistance of concerned officers within NTA to provide me a proper reply.\n\nPRAYER:\n\n1) Kindly direct the CPIO to urgently deal with my RTI request strictly in terms of RTI Act, failing which he shall be liable for penalty and also disciplinary action under service rules.
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