Requestreg No:
Request Category:
To Date: January 1, 2019[dot]
The Public Information Officer (PIO),
Department of Higher Education,
Ministry of Human Resource and Development, The Government of India, New Delhi-110 001[dot]
Subject: To collect information through the RTI Act 2005, India regarding the selection of Prof[dot] Rajendra Pundik Deore as the Visitor Nominee for the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati[dot]
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to convey that the current Head, Department of Mathematics IIT Guwahati Prof[dot] N[dot] Selvaraju communicated through an email that Prof[dot] Rajendra Pundik Deore, Head, Department of Mathematics, University of Mumbai, Mumbai has been appointed as the Visitors Nominee for our department for a period of three years[dot] Right after Head communication, the ex-head of Department of Mathematics IIT Guwahati, Prof[dot] Swaroop Nandan Bora (and present Dean of Student Affairs, IIT Guwahati) has complimented[dot] I quote, I find the selection very surprising in the sense that this name did not figure in the list of five names recommended by DFAC last year[dot] Here, DFAC stands for Department Faculty Affair committee[dot] I am attaching a copy of their emails[dot]
This essential question is about Prof[dot] Rajendra Pundik Deore academic credential that does not look fit for the visitor nominee of the department of mathematics on an IIT[dot] There is no competition between the ex-visitor nominee and the present one[dot] Publications of Prof[dot] Deore are in very low profile journals in terms of reputation and scientific impact factor[dot] Prof[dot] Deore no way known for his mathematical contribution even among the mathematical committee in India[dot] It looks surprised in either way[dot]
Question 1[dot] I would like to ask that, whether Prof[dot] Rajendra Pundik Deore name has been in the list of names recommended by IIT Guwahati to MHRDas Visitor Nominee for the Department of Mathematics, IIT Guwahati[dot] Kindly furnish the complete list of names recommended by IIT Guwahati as the Visitor Nominee for the Department of Mathematics, IIT Guwahati[dot]
Question 2[dot] Please provide a copy of the procedure laid down for the selection of Visitor Nominee for a Department of an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)[dot]
Question 3[dot] Whether MHRD reserves the right to recommend a name for the Visitor Nominee for a department of IIT Guwahati (in general, for a Department of an IIT) to the honorable President of India other than from the recommended list of names by IIT Guwahati[dot]
Finally, I request the concern PIO to provide the correct information without mixing reply of one question to others within the time frame prescribed under the RTI Act, 2005[dot]
Thanking you,
Dr[dot] Rajesh K[dot] Srivastava[dot]
Address for correspondence:
Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology,
Guwahati - 781039, Assam, India[dot] Cell: 08762728805, 09415290070, email: rksri76[at]gmail[dot]co
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