School Education & Literacy

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
S. No. Requestreg No Request Category SE Request Request Recvd Date Request Doc URL Request Reply Request Reply Doc URL Appealreg No Appeal Appeal Recvd Date Appeal Doc URL Appeal Reply Appeal Reply Doc URL
631 DOSEL/R/2016/51244/1 nil 1.Total no of school in khairtabad division many schools are registered and how many school are recognized in khairtabad division 3.what is the government prescribed fees to be collected from class lkg to 10 in recognized school or registered schools. much area should be there to run a school from class 1 to 10 14/05/2016 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
632 DOSEL/R/2016/51231 nil 1. Please provide all the guidelines about Jan Shikshan Sansthan 2. Please also provide the details on who can be apply for the allotment of Jan Shikshan Sansthan 13/05/2016 VIew File is attached herewith. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
633 DOSEL/R/2016/51115/1 nil Please provide the list of schools with addressxw in Mangalagiri town/urban area who got permission/license to run the schools as per the rules given by the District education officer. 02/05/2016 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
634 DOSEL/R/2016/51117 nil I want to know the educational background and work histoty of Delhi CM Mr. Arvind Kejriwal. 03/05/2016 VIew The subject matter of the information sought is in the domain o Directorate of Education, Govt, of NCT of Delhi. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the application is transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicant. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
635 DOSEL/R/2016/80344 nil I FILLED THE FORM AT DELHI SUB ORDINATES SELECTION SERVICE BOARDS FOR THE POST OF ASSISTANT GRADE 3 POST CODE(57/13) AT 2013 SINCE THE NO UPDATION HAS TO COME OR THEY DONT CONDUCT THE EXAM .THREE YEAR HAD TO GONE NO RESPONSE HAS TO COME.PLEASE REMOVE THAT DILEMMA THEY CONDUCT THE EXAM OR NOT.IN 2014 TGT COMPUTER SCIENCE POST CODE (192/14).THEY DONT CONDUCT THAT EXAM ALSO .WHAT IS THIS 3 YEARS HAD TO GONE NO RESPONSE OR UPDATION WILL BE UPDATED . PLEASE DO SOMETHING SIR I HUMBLY REQUEST TO YOU.REPLY ME ASAP. THANKS YOU 07/05/2016 VIew The subject matter of the information sought is in the domain of DSSSB, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6 (3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the applications are transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicant. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
636 DOSEL/R/2016/80351/1 nil Please find the attachment of questions under RTI Act of 2005. 10/05/2016 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US(RMSA-1) View DOSEL/A/2016/60245 Please find the enclosed attachment of information sought under RTI Act of 2005. 25/06/2016 VIew Appellate Authority Decision as per file attached. View
637 DOSEL/R/2016/51219 nil To The public information officer DSSSB Near karkardooma court,karkardooma New delhi Monika 17/66 New rohtak road than singh nagar Near kamal restorant,Anand parvat New delhi-110005 Respected sir I want to know about my result of post code of 07/13 and 109/13[dot] I am submited a copy of court order on 10[dot]03[dot]16 in dsssb office[dot]my O[dot]A[dot]No is-4676/2014[dot] I have not recieved my result till today[dot] Please declare my result[dot] My bar code/id no is-130276 Post code:07/13,roll no-45100571 Post code:109/12,roll no-45000934[dot] I hereby,state that the information sought is not covered under the categories which are exempted from disclosure under section 8 or under section 9 of the right to information Act, 2005 andto the best ofy knowldge,it is partaining to your department/office[dot] I have paid the fees Rs[dot]ten rupees on date 11[dot]05[dot]16 wide online payment[dot] Place-delhi Date-11[dot]05[dot]16 Email-goswamimonika2012[at]gmail[dot]com Tel[dot]no[dot]-28765158 Mob[dot]no[dot]-9911259994 Monika w/o[dot]sanjay goswami, 17/66 new rohtak road than singh nagar, Near kamal restorant Anand parvat New delhi Pin-110005 11/05/2016 VIew The subject matter of the information sought is in the domain of Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board, which is a separate authority. Hence , in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI act, 2005, the application is transferred to DSSSB for furnishing information direct to applicant. View DOSEL/A/2016/60270 To The PIO DSSSB,FC-18 Institutional Area Karkardooma Delhi Sir, I do not receive my consideration letter or result concern post code 07/13 TGT HINDI, till today with the information that the requisite information. Please furnish thus information. With regards Monika W/o sanjay goswami 17/66 new rohtak road , than singh nagar, Anand parvat New delhi Pin 110005 11/07/2016 VIew Since the DSSSB, Delhi is a separate Public Authority, his application was transferred to the DSSSB. The appellant is to file the appeal with Appellate Authority in DSSSB under the terms of Section 19 of the RTl Act, 2005. View
638 DOSEL/R/2016/80361/1 nil I sincerely request you to provide me the data on- 1 THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PRIMARY AND HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN INDIA 2. THEIR EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND POLICY 3. WITH SPECIAL PREFERENCE TO ODISHA 11/05/2016 VIew A copy of the reply sent vide letter No. 12-1/2016-RMSA-II/GH dated 19.5.2016 is attached. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
639 DOSEL/R/2016/51213 nil Please give the list of new government schools build in NCT of Delhi since 1 January 2014. In case no new school had been built, please provide the list of schools wherein New CLASSROOMS have been built along with the number of classrooms added and sitting capacity increased. 11/05/2016 VIew The subject matter of the information sought is in the domain of Directorate of Education, GOVT. of NCT,Delhi, which is a separate authority. Hence , in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI act, 2005, the application is transferred to Directorate of Education, GOVT. of NCT,Delhi, for furnishing information direct to applicant. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
640 DOSEL/R/2016/51253 nil To The public information officer Delhi subordinate service selection board FC-18,institutional area,karkardooma Delhi-110092 Monika 17/66, new rohtak road than singh nagar, Anand parvat New delhi-110005 Respected sir, I submited my court order O[dot]A[dot] No[dot]-4676/2014 on declared by central administrative tribunal principal banch new delhi in dsssb office on date 10[dot]03[dot]16[dot] I have not recieved till today any information or result by dsssb[dot] I want to know about thus consideration or result[dot] My detail is- Bar code/id no -130276 Post code-07/13,roll no-45100571 Post code-109/13,roll no-45000934 I hereby,state that the information sought is not covered under the categories which are exempted from disclosure under section 8 or under section 9 of the right to information Act,2005 and to the best of my knowledge,it is partaning to your dipartment/office[dot] I have paid the fees Rs[dot]ten rupees on date 12[dot]05[dot]16 by internet payment[dot] Place-delhi Date-12[dot]05[dot]16 Email-goswamimonika2012[at]gmail[dot]com Tel[dot]no-01128765158 Mob no-9911259994 Monika w/o[dot]Sanjay goswami 17/66, new rohtak road,than singh nagar Near kamal restorant Anand parvat New delhi Pin- 110005[dot] 12/05/2016 VIew The subject matter of information of the RTI application is under the domain of DSSSB, GNCTD. As such,in terms of provisions of section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, RTI applications are transferred to the concerned CPIO with the request to furnish the requisite information direct to you. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
