School Education & Literacy

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
S. No. Requestreg No Request Category SE Request Request Recvd Date Request Doc URL Request Reply Request Reply Doc URL Appealreg No Appeal Appeal Recvd Date Appeal Doc URL Appeal Reply Appeal Reply Doc URL
411 DOSEL/R/2017/51049 nil TO CPIO/SPIO RMSA NEW DELHI, As per information provided by PIO (copy attached ) 117 Girls hostels under centrally sponsored scheme are started from June 2017.please provide the following details regrading security of girls in girls hostels. 1.list of Andhra pradesh Girls hostels under centrally sponsored scheme which are ready to started in this academic year 2017-2018. 2.Number of girls hostels provided with boundary wall. if not what are the alternative arrangements taken by Government regarding safety of Girls from harassment. 3. Number of hostels provided with pure drinking water. what are the alternative arrangements taken by government to provide drinking water in fluoride affected areas . 4.what are the safety guidelines framed by central Government regarding safety and protection of girls hostels . 5. what are the safety guidelines followed by state Government of Andhra pradesh regarding safety and protection of girls hostels . 6.Admissions procedure and guidelines for taking admissions in to girls hostels. 7 Number of girls hostels are completely constructed according to central Government Guidelines out of these 117 girls hostels in Andhra pradesh. 8 is there any central level /state level grievance mechanism regarding Girls hostels . when the Girls are in danger ,is there any special toll free number provided by Government of Andhra pradesh or Government of India. 9.staff pattern in Girls hostels and job chart of staff in Girls hostels. 10. Total list of staff allotted/recruited to Andhra pradesh girls hostels . please provide school wise list of staff recruited in girls hostels in Andhra pradesh. 11.please provide 4 1(B) record regarding office which the Girls hostel scheme is implemented in Andhra pradesh state 31/05/2017 VIew Madam, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
412 DOSEL/R/2017/51047 nil To CPIO/SPIO MHRD OFFICE RMSA NEW DELHI Respected sir, please provide the following information regarding providing of additional fund model schools in Andhra pradesh under 6(1) of RTI ACT 1) please provide attested copy of total budget/grants/aid proposals received by the Government of Andhra pradesh/ secretary of school education in the month of may 2017 regarding central government assistance to Model schools in Andhra pradesh state. ( between may 1 -may 31). 2 ) is there any chance to provide additional budget to Model schools in Andhra pradesh in future .please provide complete information. 3) please send total details whether the requests by Government of Andhra pradesh related to model schools grants is approved or rejected or under consideration. 4) what is the role of central Government /state Government in running of Model schools scheme in Andhra pradesh state. 5)copy of files regrading this matter and reply by central Government. 31/05/2017 VIew Madam, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View DOSEL/A/2017/60134 RTI APPEAL. REASON FOR APPEAL : INCOMPLETE INFORMATION REGARDING POINTS IN RTI APPLICATION To The Appealate Authority DOSEL ,MHRD NEW DELHI. please provide complete information regarding previous RTI Application Number DOSEL/R/2017/51047. please send point wise information regarding Model schools scheme proposals and also requested to send Proposals copy regarding Model schools. 29/06/2017 VIew Appellate authority decision as per file attached. View
413 DOSEL/R/2017/50954/1 nil I want to know what has been the expenditure in the primary education(upto class 10) in the Purnea District of Bihar each year for the last 10 years. Please classify the expenditure as salaried, infrastructure and others. Also segregate the expenditure for each panchayat in Purnea district. Thank You 14/05/2017 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
414 DOSEL/R/2017/50940 nil Dear Sir My name is Kaifi and i belongs from a small village which is kusumpatti kanaur, there are some primary and elementary schools in our village but not a single high school in that region. A high school was passed through a new scheme but somehow kind of Bahubali people managed to take that school out my village and cemented in their village (Bahuara) which is hardly 2 kilometer far from another high school (High School Pindaruch). I would appreciate the ministry if they could help me to know how they established that school in their village if that was an illegal move. In order to look to forward kindly examine the whole case take an appropriate action and help us to get a high school in our village. Kindly help us to know the total fund and expenditure respectively of the primary and elementary schools that we have in Hariharpur West Panchayat. Hope you understands the basis of our need. Thanks and Regards Kaifi 13/05/2017 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
415 DOSEL/R/2017/50939 nil 1. Please provide the current status of joining of TGT Male English post code 106/12 and 04/13. (Delhi Government, through DSSSB) 2. If yes, when they have been ordered to join. 3. If not, kindly provide the reason there of. 4. Please provide information about When they are likely to be joined. 5. Please provide information about candidates who have applied for the post of TGT (post code 106/12 to 121/12 and 04/13 to 19/13) and are rejected by the DSSSB for not having the teaching subject in all three years of the graduation, but had passed post graduation in the subject, before the cut off date. 6. Kindly provide me the current status of the candidates, case wise, as asked in the point number 05. 13/05/2017 VIew The Subject matter of the information sought is in the domain of Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board, FC-18, Institutional Area, Karkardooma, Delhi. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI/Act, 2005, the applications are transferred fro furnishing the sought for information direct to applicants. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
416 DOSEL/R/2017/50856 nil To CPIO, Directorate Of Education Caretaking Branch Government Of National Capital Territory Of Delhi Room No 255 , Old Secretariat, Delhi - 110054 Sir, I want to know the information regarding the engagement of retired persons on contract basis in the Government schools for the post of estate manager under the advertisement no. F.1/437/CTB/Vol.III/2016-17/1838 Dated: 3.3.2017. Please provide me following information: 1.What was the last date of the required eligibility. 2. According to the advertisement no F.1/437/CTB/Vol.III/2016-17/1838 dated: 3.3.2017. Last date for apply was 15.3.2017 (5.00 p.m.). In this case if a person retired on 30th March 2017 was eligible for this vacancy or not. 3. How many vacancies are still vacant and in which schools it vacant. 4. If vacancies are still vacant what is the procedure to apply. Thank you Alok Saingar 02/05/2017 VIew The Subject matter of the information sought the domain of Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Hence, the applications are transferred under the provision of Section 6(3)(ii) of RTI Act, 2005 for furnishing the desired information direct to the applicants. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
417 DOSEL/R/2017/50867 nil Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board - Delhi Govt Site Respected sir I want to know that what is the detailed syllabus of TGT computer science post code(192/14) for second paper professtional knowledge (computer science) which will be held on 21 may 2017.In notification there is not mention anywhere.please tell us. thanks 03/05/2017 VIew The Subject matter of the information sought is in the domain of Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board, FC-18, Institutional Area, Karkardooma, Delhi. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI/Act, 2005, the applications are transferred fro furnishing the sought for information direct to applicants. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
418 DOSEL/R/2017/50881 nil SIR, I WANT TO KNOW THAT HOW MANY SANCTIONED REGULAR POSTS FOR PGT (SOCIOLOGY) ARE THERE UNDER DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION, GOVT OF NCT OF DELHI. HOW MANY OF THEM ARE LYING VACANT AS ON DATE 07/05/2017 AND IN WHICH SCHOOL OF DELHI GOVT THEY ARE LYING VACANT (WITHOUT REGULAR EMPLOYEE). 07/05/2017 VIew The Subject matter of the information sought is in the domain of Delhi and Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI/Act, 2005, the applications are transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to application. View DOSEL/A/2017/60177 I HAVE NOT RECIEVED ANY REPONSE TILL 02/09/2017....... 02/09/2017 VIew Since the Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi is a separate Public Authority, the appellant is advised to file the appeal with Appellate Authority in GNCTD under the terms of Section 19 of the RTl Act, 2005. View
419 DOSEL/R/2017/50919 nil RTI for Education Department 11/05/2017 VIew The Subject matter of the information sought is in the domain of Delhi and Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI/Act, 2005, the applications are transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to application. View DOSEL/A/2017/60118 RTI ka koe bhi jawab aaj tak nahi mila aur bina jawab diye hi RTI ko disposed off kar diya gaya mujhe apne sabhi prasno ke point wise uttar deejiye aur jald se jald deejiye URGENT 04/06/2017 VIew Since the Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi is a separate Public Authority, the appellant is advised to file the appeal with Appellate Authority in GNCTD under the terms of Section 19 of the RTl Act, 2005. View
420 DOSEL/R/2017/80329 nil i want to some information through RTI Act 2005 1) how many general category applicant applied TGT ( Computer Science ) Post Code 192/14 under Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board. 2) how many SC / ST / OBC category applicant applied TGT ( Computer Science ) Post Code 192/14 under Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board. 3) what is the final selection Process TGT ( Computer Science ) Post Code 192/14 under Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board. 11/05/2017 VIew The Subject matter of the information sought is in the domain of Delhi and Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the applications are transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicants. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
