School Education & Literacy

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
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351 DOSEL/R/2017/80546/1 nil 1.How many total number of villages in Tamilnadu 2.How many number of children are there between 8 years to 21 years age in villages of Tamilnadu and in all over Tamilnadu 3.How many people below poverty line in all over Tamilnadu. 4.What is the cost spent by the government totally to educate the rural children in the last one year 2016-2017 5.What is the annual budget cost for a primary school to run in a village 6.What is the annual budget cost for a middle school to run in a village 7.What is the annual budget cost for a high school to run in a village 8.What is the annual budget cost for a higher school to run in a village THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND INFORMATION. 09/08/2017 VIew As per the attachment, information has provided. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
352 DOSEL/R/2017/51579 nil When the interview for the post of PGT computer science will be conducted in Vinay Nagar Bengali SR sec school sarojni Nagar Delhi 110023 09/08/2017 VIew The subject matter of the information sought are in the domain of Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the applications are transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicant. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
353 DOSEL/R/2017/80551 nil 1. PLEASE GIVE ME COPY OF CIRCULAR/OM for age relaxation for women for employment in govt. 2. whether any OM/instruction has been issued of age relaxation for women especially for teaching post(pls give me copy). 3. whether Delhi Govt and MCD follow the rule of DOPT,Govt of India for age relaxation. 4. whether any advisory has been issued to Delhi Govt for age relaxation for women especially for teaching post. 5. generally 10 yrs of relaxation for women is given in teaching post in KVS/ there any instuction of DOPT . 10/08/2017 VIew The Subject matter of the information sought in the domain of Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the applications are transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicant. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
354 DOSEL/R/2017/51605/1 nil Sir i want answer of this question by right to information act- (1) Question- A prism splits an incident white light into a band of seven colours. The colour in the centre of this band is- (1) Blue (2) Yellow (3) Green (4) Red 13/08/2017 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
355 DOSEL/R/2017/51606 nil Specify the criteria that need to be fulfilled by a person to be termed as a literate in India. 13/08/2017 VIew As per definition of Literacy adopted in the Indian Census, a person aged Seven and above who can both read and write with understanding in any language is to be taken as literate. A person, who can only read but cannot write, is not literate. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
356 DOSEL/R/2017/80507 nil Please open attachment. 21/07/2017 VIew The subject matter of the Information sought are in the domain of Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Board. Hence, in terms of the provision of section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the applications are transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicant. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
357 DOSEL/R/2017/51449 nil 1. Was there been any increase in the DAILY MINIMUM WAGES OF COMPUTER INSTRUCTOR WORKING IN THE GOVT. SCHOOL OF DELHI (DOE) POSTED WIDE FOURTH DIMENSONS SOLUTIONS (FDS) DSM 357, 3rd Floor, DLF Towers, Chatrapati Shivaji Marg, House Complex Market, Block C, Najafgarh Road Industrial Area, New Delhi, Delhi 110015 2.How much have the wages been incresed if any 3.Are the daily wage likely to be increased in the near future if yes then 4.If the daily wages shall not be increased then there off 5.What is the minimum pay of graduate computer instructor . Is this pay being given to all the computer instructor who are the graduates 21/07/2017 VIew The Subject matter of the information sought are in the domain of Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the application are transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicant. View DOSEL/A/2017/60196 SIR AS I HAVE ALREADY ASKED ABOUT MY QUESTIONS REGARDING HIKE OF SALARY OF COMPUTER INSTRUCTOR WORKING IN DELHI GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS,UNDER FOURTH DIMENSIONS SOLUTIONS COMPANY DSM 357, 3rd Floor, DLF Towers, Chatrapati Shivaji Marg, House Complex Market, Block C, Najafgarh Road Industrial Area, New Delhi, Delhi 110015.I WANT TO ASK AGAIN THAT IF THERE IS INCREASEMENT OF SALARY OF COMPUTER INSTRUCTORS AS PER NEW MINIMUM WAGES POLICY. IF YES THEN HOW MUCH AND IN WHAT TIME PERIOD THEY WILL INCREASE. THANKING YOU 22/09/2017 VIew Since the Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi is a separate Public Authority, the appellant is advised to file the appeal with Appellate Authority in GNCTD under the terms of Section 19 of the RTl Act, 2005 View
358 DOSEL/R/2017/51455 nil forest higher secondary school pudurnadu jawadu hills estabilishment date and school high schools upgrade higher secondary upgrade details 2.schools hostal estabilishment date and chief guest for hostal inauguration function fsh school pudurnadu 23/07/2017 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
359 DOSEL/R/2017/51469 nil FOREST SCHOOLS PUDURNADU JAWADHU HILLS VELLORE. 1.forest higher secondary school estabilishment date and school all upgrade detail 2.pudurnadu forest higher secondary school hostel estabilishment detail 3.forest high school nellivasal nadu vellore. estabilishment date and school all upgrade details 23/07/2017 VIew Sir, Please find attached a copy of the RTI reply letter. regards US (RMSA-1) View nil nil nil VIew nil View
360 DOSEL/R/2017/51472 nil Please provide me following information point wise: 1. When will the notification for the jobs of Primary Teacher (permanent) in MCD, Delhi will come. 2. When will the notification for the jobs of TGT Teacher (permanent) in MCD, Delhi will come. 3. When will the notification for the jobs of Primary Teacher (permanent) in Delhi Govt will come. 4. When will the notification for the jobs of TGT Teacher (permanent) in Delhi Govt will come. 5. When will the notification for the jobs of Primary Teacher/TGT (permanent) in Kendriya Vidyalaya will come. Please dont tell me to keep looking employment news or newspapers. Kindly provide me exact or TENTATIVE date of release of notification 24/07/2017 VIew The Subject matter of the information sought are in the domain of Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Hence, in terms of the provision of Section 6(3) (ii) of the RTI Act, 2005, the application are transferred for furnishing the sought for information direct to applicant. View nil nil nil VIew nil View
