Higher Education

Date Format DD/MM/YYYY
S. No. Request No Request Category Request Request Recevied Date Request Doc URL Request Reply Request Reply Doc URL Appeal Registration No Appeal Appeal Recevied Date Appeal Doc URL Appeal Reply Appeal Reply Doc URL
311 DOHED/R/2019/50995/2 nil Dear Public Information Officer:\nUnder the Right to Information Act 2005, Section 6, I need some information. The\ndetails of the information are as follows.\n\n\n1. Please provide information whether a Temporary/contractual faculty member (not in a pay scale and renewed their service yearly or after 3 years) can be overruled the inbreeding policy for regular faculty recruitments process applicable to NITS/IITS/IIESTS/IISC. If yes, what is the procedure that should be followed to do so.\n\n2. Please provide information whether a Temporary/contractual faculty member (not in a pay scale and renewed their service yearly or after 3 years) can be overruled the minimum educational qualifications (i.e. all first class in Ph.D. preceding degree) policy for regular faculty recruitments process applicable to NITS/IITS/IIESTS/IISC. If yes, what is the procedure that should be followed to do so.\n\n\n3. Please provide the information regarding the MHRD approved a process to disseminate the sort listed and rejected candidate list for Faculty recruitment, applicable to NITS/IITS/IIESTS/IISC. 01-05-2019 nil Reply attached View (link is external) nil nil nil nil nil nil
312 DOHED/R/2019/50981 nil 1. Does the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Palakkad, Kerala, come under RTI Act\n\n2. If yes, what is the reason behind the IIT Palakkad is not shown in the drop-down labeled Select Public Authority\n\n3. If the IIT Palakkad does not come under RTI, what is the reason behind the same\n\n4. If IIT Palakkad comes under RTI Act but not comes under a category (not to be included in the online portal) what is the reason behind the same\n\n5. Does the contract employee appointment in IIT Palakkad and the related information, (specifically, essential qualification required, number of applicants, qualifications of the applicants attended the interview, marking criteria for the interview and other qualifications of an interviewee, rank list prepared after the interview, details of the marks and ranks obtained by each candidate) come under RTI Act\n \n6. If the answer to question number 5 is yes, who is the competent authority to provide the relevant information\n\n7. If the answer to question number 5 is no, what is the reasons behind the same 30-04-2019 nil Reply attached View (link is external) nil nil nil nil nil nil
313 DOHED/R/2019/50982 nil 1. Please provide subject-wise marks and total marks for JEE Mains Examination held in April 2019 corresponding to NTA Score 93.8074027\n2. Please provide NTA scores and ranks of other students who scored equal total marks corresponding to NTA score 93.8074027 in all sessions/shift of JEE Mains 2019 examination 30-04-2019 nil Reply attached View (link is external) nil nil nil nil nil nil
314 DOHED/R/2019/80507 nil Sir, \n Namaskar, My son Bhuvan Aggarwal appeared in Jee Main Paper 1 in Jan 2019 with Roll No PB06300072 and in April 2019 with Roll No CH01700942 and his application number is 190310033454[dot] On finding the result of Jee Main Paper 1 on 29th april 2019 , he is greatly upset and agrieved because he got higher marks in April 2019 Exam than Jan 19 Exam, but he got lesser percentile score in April 19 than Jan 19 Exam[dot]\n Therefore, in the interest of encouragement and boosting morale of my son, It is requested that detailed calculation of normalized percentile score of my son obtained in Jan 19 and in April 19 i[dot]e[dot] how It has been calculated, shall please be provided to me via my Email ID premnathaggarwal[at]yahoo[dot]in or my below given address[dot] I shall be greatly thankful to your goodself[dot] \n With Regards,\n P N Aggarwal\n Father\n 473, Sector 15,\n Panchkula 134113\n Haryana 30-04-2019 nil Reply attached View (link is external) nil nil nil nil nil nil
315 DOHED/R/2019/80511 nil Regarding no transparency in Jee mains result. No marks are being shown in the result of jee mains and also how the level of difficulty of different sessions is being calculated nothing could be inferred. Difficulty varies from student to student.\nThis year cutoff is just a percentile if converted to marks comes out to be nearly 120 marks for general candidate. seeing previous year trends such a hike from 74 to 120 is just a shock for students.\nPlease bring transparency in your result and refer to marks system not percentile. Many students are seeing that they scored higher marks but less percentile which just led to crash of dreams. Till last year a student scoring 120 marks was having a rank nearly 33000 - 35000 but this year it is 100000 which is not fair from a student side.\nPlease refer to this and bring some good news for students.\nThank You 30-04-2019 nil Reply attached View (link is external) nil nil nil nil nil nil
316 DOHED/R/2019/50989 nil Sir, I appeared for JEE MAINS 2019. I was shocked to see that my marks were not shown in the results. Only percentiles of the subjects were shown. I want to enquire about my marks that I got in both JEE MAINS 2019 (JANUARY AND APRIL) Attempt. Kindly provide me the same as soon as possible.\n\nJEE MAIN APPLICATION NUMBER- 190310236804 30-04-2019 View (link is external) Reply attached View (link is external) nil nil nil nil nil nil
317 DOHED/R/2019/50997 nil Q 1: Does the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Palakkad, Kerala comes under the RTI act \n\nQ 2: If yes, why is it that it is not available in the drop-down menu labeled Select Public Authority while all the other IITs in India are mentioned there\n\nQ 3: If one wants to raise a query regarding a contract appointment in the IIT Palakkad, who is the authority to be approached 30-04-2019 nil Reply attached View (link is external) nil nil nil nil nil nil
318 DOHED/R/2019/50985 nil I am Vyapak Sood (aadhaar 494603222668)\nKindly provide me the following information under RTI Act :\n\nA) My (Vyapak Sood, Application number 190310688697) Raw score (marks) in JEE MAINS 2019 of 11th January morning shift ( 9:30 am to 12:30 pm) conducted by by National Testing Agency\n\nB) My (Vyapak Sood, Application number 190310688697) Raw score (marks) in JEE MAINS 2019 of 10th april morning shift ( 9:30 am to 12:30 pm) conducted by by National Testing Agency\n \nC) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 9 January 2019 (from 9:30am to 12:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nD) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 9 January 2019 (from 2:30am to 5:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nE) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 10 January 2019 (from 9:30am to 12:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nF) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 10 January 2019 (from 2:30am to 5:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nG) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 11 January 2019 (from 9:30am to 12:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nH) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 11 January 2019 (from 2:30am to 5:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nI) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 12 January 2019 (from 9:30am to 12:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nJ) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 12 January 2019 (from 2:30am to 5:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nK) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 8 April 2019 (from 9:30am to 12:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nL) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 8 April 2019 (from 2:30am to \n\n5:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nM) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 9 April 2019 (from 9:30am to 12:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nN) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 9 April 2019 (from 2:30am to 5:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nO) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 10 April 2019 (from 9:30am to 12:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nP) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 10 April 2019 (from 2:30am to 5:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nQ) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 12 April 2019 (from 9:30am to 12:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nR) Raw Scores (Marks) of the topper of JEE MAINS (PAPER 1) held on 12 April 2019 (from 2:30am to 5:30pm) by National Testing Agency\n\nPLEASE NOTE, THE IDENTITY OF THE TOPPER(S) IS NOT REQUIRED SO MAY NOT BE DISCLOSED. \n\nThank you.\n\nVyapak. 30-04-2019 nil Reply attached View (link is external) nil nil nil nil nil nil
319 DOHED/R/2019/80512 nil NTA has released Jee Mains 2019 Results and many students including myself are unhappy with\nthe normalisation procedure. I would like to know the relative difficulty level of all 16 shifts as per NTA. I would also like to know an estimated marks vs ranks for this year. 30-04-2019 nil Reply attached View (link is external) nil nil nil nil nil nil
320 DOHED/R/2019/50966 nil Dear Sir/Madam, \n\n Please provide me a scanned copy (pdf file) of letter (Ref. No. F. No. 6-11/2019-TS-I dated 29.03.2019) that was sent to IIT Guwahati by MHRD.\n\nThank you,\n\nRegards,\nBrijesh 28-04-2019 nil Reply attached View (link is external) nil nil nil nil nil nil
