
E.g., 2025
S.No. Scheme Name Financial Year Title
141 Rashtriya Madyamik Shikhsa Abhiyan (RMSA) 2014 to 2015 Tripura Minutes of 35th PAB held on 20th Fabruary, 2014 - (2.19 MB)
142 Rashtriya Madyamik Shikhsa Abhiyan (RMSA) 2014 to 2015 Corrigendum : 34th PAB Meeting of RMSA held on 13th February, 2014 - (1.64 MB)
143 Rashtriya Madyamik Shikhsa Abhiyan (RMSA) 2014 to 2015 Andhra Pradesh Minutes of 44th PAB held on 1st May, 2014 - (2.64 MB)
144 Rashtriya Madyamik Shikhsa Abhiyan (RMSA) 2014 to 2015 Himachal Pradesh Minutes of 40th PAB held on 27th March, 2014 - (2.84 MB)
145 Rashtriya Madyamik Shikhsa Abhiyan (RMSA) 2014 to 2015 Jammu & Kashmir Minutes of 40th PAB held on 27th March, 2014 - (2.27 MB)
146 Rashtriya Madyamik Shikhsa Abhiyan (RMSA) 2014 to 2015 Karnataka Minutes of 38th PAB held on 20th February, 2014 - (2.58 MB)
147 Rashtriya Madyamik Shikhsa Abhiyan (RMSA) 2014 to 2015 Haryana Minutes of 38th PAB held on 20th February, 2014 - (1.61 MB)
148 Rashtriya Madyamik Shikhsa Abhiyan (RMSA) 2014 to 2015 Rajasthan Minutes of 36th PAB held on 27th February, 2014 - (16.06 MB)
149 Rashtriya Madyamik Shikhsa Abhiyan (RMSA) 2014 to 2015 Madhya Pradesh Minutes of 34th PAB held on 13th February, 2014 - (14.61 MB)
150 Rashtriya Madyamik Shikhsa Abhiyan (RMSA) 2014 to 2015 Uttarakhand Minutes of 43rd PAB held on 24th April, 2014 - (2.98 MB)
