Saakshar Bharat
Web based Planning and Monitoring Information System (WePMIS) for Saakshar Bharat: A Brief on WePMIS for Saakshar Bharat Mission
The Web based Management Information System (WePMIS) for the Saakshar Bharat Mission has been developed by the National Informatics Centre. This application is being actively used by NLMA and the participating States for Online interactions for the following broad tasks under the scheme
- Planning, Costing and Authorizations
- Progress Monitoring
The application has been designed to be used by the Ministry, State Education Department officials ( SLMA), the District Panchayats, Block level officials like the BDOs and Block Pramukhs, Gram Panchayat officials like the Gram Pradhan and Preraks (Coordinators).The relevant data is also to be made available in the public domain.
This web based application enabling to carry out Micro Planning from the grass root levels, has in-built into it the main essence of the scheme.
The application has a facility to collect data off-line also in cases of lack of or poor internet connectivity. The GP, BP, DP and State level survey data e-forms are provided for the users. These can be downloaded from the web portal as a one time activity from a place where there is good connectivity. These can then be filled in, off-line, with the data from ground level survey of the Illiterate population and for the Volunteer Teachers etc. in formats already provided to the States. The filled up e-forms can be collected at district/state levels and Uploaded into the application.
The data collected in the Web Portal is then processed for categorization under the 15+ age group and sub-categorized according to SC, ST, Minority and Gender etc. by the application.
The GP physical proposal is then prepared based on this categorized and consolidated data. This proposal will appear pre-populated with the survey of total illiterate population (TIP) data and the GP user has the option to propose a modified version of this TIP . Corresponding to the TIP the application will automatically calculate and show the required Volunteer Teachers, Master Trainers and Resource Persons etc. as per the Norms of the Scheme. Similarly, based on the Population of GP the Adult Education Centres ( AECs) get calculated.
Cost proposals are generated automatically based on the GP Physical proposal. These cost proposals get consolidated at the Block level after adding the Block level expenses. Similarly the DP and state levels will be consolidated and a National Proposal will be seen at the Ministry level. The application will allow the Ministry user to re-allocate the TIP based on the funds available, phase wise, or on the limitation of the physical targets. These modified allocations will be applied down to the GP level by the application and show the approved allocation at each GP level.
A Grant Calculation and Bank Authorization Module is provided in the Web Portal that calculates the funds to be provided to each state based on the TIP and the percentage of funds approved by NLMA for each activity, installment wise. Of this fund, how much has be given to each DP,BP,GP will be calculated depending on the Choice/Allocation of Activities made by each state. The state will also have a choice to choose a Centralised or De-centralised model for carrying out the 23 sub-activities defined in the scheme.
At the end of the execution of authorization module, the letters to the Bank will be generated using the pre-populated Bank Details etc. and these will also be transmitted to the banks by e-mail. These letters will authorize the banks to allow expenditure of the calculated amount from each of the State, DP,BP,GPs main or subsidiary account numbers mentioned in the letters.
The Progress Monitoring Module, is being used by the NLMA, SLMAs etc. This will provide the monitoring from the GP level upwards for Services provided to the beneficiaries, Services provided by VTs, MTs and RPs , Training of Trainers, Inventory of TLM etc. This web based application will help in Matching and Batching of Beneficiaries with the VTs etc. and marking the progress of each beneficiaries with respect to the Learning Modules covered, TLM utilized, expenditure incurred etc. coming from the Fund Flow web portal on a weekly/monthly basis.
Analytical Reports at each level can be generated. Impact analysis and future planning can also be carried out based on the data made available at all levels/stages of the scheme.
This web portal has been developed on open-source technologies and therefore there is no dependency on proprietary solutions and no commercial pressures. Using an open source solution helped in including advanced technologies at a cheaper cost especially for a social project of this magnitude.
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