S No SE: 
Requestreg No SE: 
Request Category SE: 
Request Recvd Date SE: 
Request SE: 
Greetings,\nRecently, Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi conducted an event called Mega Book Fair-II for the purpose of books procurement for libraries in government schools. The results for that, i.e, budget allocated to every publisher, was announced yesterday. I request the information of budget allocated to each publisher ( total amount of orders received by each publisher) according to the list attached in PDF.
Request Reply SE: 
Sir,\n\nPlease find attached letter for information.
Appealreg No SE: 
Appeal SE: 
I received a duly reply from the ministry where I filed the RTI, which was that the RTI relates to another department and asked me to file another RTI to that department.\n\nWhereas, Section 6 (3) clearly states that a public authority must transfer the request to another authority to which the RTI relates to.\n\nPlease, transfer my RTI application to the relevant authority and provide me with feedback.
Appeal Recvd Date SE: 
Appeal Reply SE: 
Appeal dispose of