Requestreg No: 
Request Category: 
To \nShri Achint Kumar ,\nUnder Secretary (Estt[dot])/CPIO\nMinistry of Human Resource Devlopment\nRoom No[dot] 236- C\nGovernment of India\nNew Delhi\n\nSub: Application for information under RTI Act 2005, regarding details of [at]HRDMinistry Twitter account/Handle of Ministry of Human Resource Development , Government of India\n\nRespected Sir\n\nPlease , provide me following details regarding Twitter account of Ministry of Human Resource Development , Government of India[dot]\n\n1[dot] Does Twitter account [at]HRDMinistry is the official Twitter account of Ministry of HRD , Government of India[dot]\n\n2[dot] Does government department employees are assigned to run this official account on Twitter or any outside body is authorised to run it[dot] Please provide details [dot]\n\n3[dot] Please, provide the details when this Twitter account[at]HRDMinistry was activated and also Who initiated and authorised it[dot]\n\n4[dot] What are the reasons and motives behind starting [at]HRDMinistry Twitter account by Ministry of HRD[dot] Please, provide details[dot]\n\n5[dot] What are the issues, works and matters which are dealt by [at]HRDMinistry Twitter account[dot] Please provide details[dot]\n\n6[dot] Does [at]HRDMinistry Twitter account of Ministry of HRD , ever reply to Persons who Tweet for Grievances, support from Ministry of HRD[dot] \n(a) If yes, then what are the criterias to select and reply [dot]\n(b) If no, then what is the reason Ministry of HRD is not responding to query , complains done on its official Twitter account[dot] \n\nPlease, provide details specifically as asked above [dot]\n\n7[dot] Who is liable to monitor , [at]HRDMinistry Twitter account of Ministry of HRD[dot] Please, provide the designation of the concerned person and the details of his nature of work authority[dot]\n\n8[dot] Any additional information regarding this application may please be provided[dot]\n\n9[dot] Contact details of First Appellate Authority[dot]\n\nIf, above information or its part is related to any other authority or department , please transfer the application within 5 days to appropriate authority under Section 6(3) of RTI act & inform to the undersigned[dot]\n\n\nRequested information may please be sent through official email/post within stipulated time as per RTI Act 2005[dot]
Request Recvd Date: 
Request Reply: 
The information is not available in the records held with the undersigned.
Appealreg No: 
Appeal Recvd Date: 
Appeal Reply: 