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Since the Hon Acting Chief Justice of Hon. Delhi High Court in the judgement dated 23.8.2017 in Writ Petition No. 3490/2010 quashed and set aside the DoPT OM No. 36012/18/95 . Estt. (Res) Pt. II dated 13.8.1997 vide which the reservation for SC /ST in promotion was extended beyond 15.11.1997. Further Hon. High Court has also quashed all promotions effected on the basis of impugned OM dated 13.8.1997, Kindly provide me the following information under RTI Act.\n\n1. How many Representations by employees of General Category have been filed in this Ministry and by employees of Quasi-Government Orgnaizations, Autonomous Orgnaizations, Statutory Bodies, Societies set-up by and funded/ controlled by your Ministry in the year 2017 and 2018 for quashing promotion of SC/ST candidate in place of General Category candidate.\n\n2. How many Writ Petition have been filed in CAT/ Hon. High Court in the year 2017 and 2018 by employees of General Category in this Ministry and by employees of Quasi-Government Organizations, Autonomous Organizations, Statutory Bodies, Societies set up by and funded/ controlled by your Ministry for quashing of promotion of SC/ST employees in place of General Category Candidate.\n\n\n3. Has your Ministry and Quasi-Government Organization, Autonomous Organization, Statutory Bodie, societies set-up by and funded / controlled by Your Ministry stopped Reservation in Promotion to SC /ST employees.\n\n4. How many SC/ST employees have been given benefit of reservation in Promotion in the year 2016, 2017 and 2018 by your Ministry and Quasi Government Organization, Autonomous Organizations, Statutory Bodies, Societies set up and funded/ controlled by your Ministry.\n 4 What is the name and Designation of Appellate Authority under RTI Act.
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